
What are the main greehouse gases we produce???

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What are the main greehouse gases we produce???




  1. we don't make any greenhouse gas

  2. methane, Nitrogen oxides(NO2 N2O NO), HFC's (Hydrofluorocarbons or as bob said halocarbons), carbon dioxide. ozone indirectly to a lesser extent.

  3. Bob's answer is correct, but make sure you understand what he is saying. Look at the big picture. Of all greenhouse gases, we contribute less than 1% of all green house effects. The amount we contribute is TINY. In his answer, he states that CO2 contributes 60% to the amount WE CONTRIBUTE, not to the entire amount.

    Water vapor is the number one contributor to the green house effect. It accounts for about 50 to 95% of the total green house effect, and we do not contribute to water vapor in any meaningful numbers. Of course this is why the AGW fanatics never mention water vapor. It makes our contribution to green house gases look pitiful.

  4. CO2 and water.  So you need to stop all the rain and then stop breathing.

  5. one is CO2 for sure well other i guess h2o(gas) or maybe N20 not sure though

  6. CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, and halocarbons are the most important.

    "Hence, at present carbon dioxide is responsible for 60% of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect, methane is responsible for 20%, nitrous oxide for 10%, and halocarbons for 10%."

    Crazy - Water vapor isn't important in causing global warming because, unlike the other gases, excess water vapor can't remain in the air for long before falling out as precipitation.

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