
What are the main reasons WHY people are so INSECURE these days?

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One thing thats been annoying me lately is how some people are so insecure. Not just women, but men as well. Its so disgusting.

People worry about:

-What their family thinks

-What their friends think

-What society thinks

-How much they are impressing people

-How cool they look

-What there kids will look like

-How much they fit the media standard of beauty

-How much better or worst they are dressed than others

-The name brand of their clothes, cars, gadgets, etc.

-What race they are


I'm just tired of it and I want to know WHY its so hard for people to value themselves?


Whats with all the weak, insecure, childish, cry babies running around?




  1. Who knows, maybe you can bottle your amazing secret and set up yet another business.

    We so wish we were like you Mike T. Solid American male full of self-confidence. Why bother using gws, it's beneath you man!

  2. You're doing the same thing when you're complaining about're whining about other people.  Why do you care if other people feel insecure? They're not affecting you, since you think you have it good.  

    An attitude like yours isn't going to help people feel better,  or make their insecurity go away.    

    EVERYBODY feels insecure at some point, and everybody wonders what others think about them. Whether we like it or not, we will always sub-consciously do something to fit in, to be accepted or to be praised.I don't believe those who say they're completely secure or 100% confident.   Everyone has a weakness, and everyone has a strength. It just depends on where the weakness and strength is at. That "insecure person" whining about how they look might have lived through tragic sexual abuse, while you wouldn't be able to handle being raped by another man.

    If you don't like to hear someone whine about themselves, don't pay attention.

  3. That's amusing-reminds me of "old people" saying "what's happening to this new, gripe, gripe.....

    Better watch out- You may be getting old when you start griping about "these days"!!!!!! :)

  4. I wouldn't call them crybabies. I do think there are pressures that some people don't have to deal with when it comes to family, friends and society.

    Most of us who have to make normal ends meet sometimes feel like we've always something to prove. Need to look successful for our family, or they think they've failed as a parent. Need to keep up with friends and show we care, because we want the same from them.

    As for the rest of your list, I don't think people concern themselves with those as much as the first three or four. It's hard not to be insecure because of competition in family circles and business as well. Most people feel everyone is out to get their job, their life, etc.

    I value myself more now than I ever have, but I have many insecurities too. I want to look better and be healthier and I am working on it. I want to dress like I have a little self-respect.

    But you are right. We do need to stop whining sometimes, because it doesn't get anyone any where.

  5. I believe it's because these people don't believe in God anymore. Have faith people, it works.

  6. The media, both liberal and neocon, is certainly a factor.  Globalization, increased authoritarianism, and economic uncertainty haven't improved American confidence any.

  7. Because no matter what they do they are wrong.

    They are judged by people all around them, so that has a lot to do with it.

    I could care less cool i look I am busy being a Mom and trying to make ends meet. who cares about clothes who can afford name brands I couldn't tell you what's in this year in fashion who cares.

    NOT everyone is as lucky as you are to have such a high value of themselves and I am happy for you. BUT that does NOT mean everyone else is a crybaby or weak or insecure or childish. my daughter is being raised to value her self along with every other person on the planet. lets not forget some people had a bad life. and that will make them act like this. but that does NOT make them bad people

  8. They are idiots.

  9. It' a bit ornic that someone that is constantly writing debates about how bad, and evil and everything wrong about women is saying they aren't insecure.

  10. media is a very important factor.  but people will always care what others think of them, it is human nature.

  11. If you're referring to the u.s., the answer is elementary. The bombing of the W.T.C. in 2001& the resulting Bush "Patriot Act". People are allowed to be led by ignorance. The gov't is at most responsible for every move we make, essentially. Get Serious.

  12. We are encouraged to feel insecure because it boosts the economy. The more inadequate a person feels, the more he or she will spend to feel important - "because you're worth it".

    The solution to the problem lies in Capones answer.

  13. People have a hard time being honest with themselves about what they want and what makes them happy. If people could overcome fears and just be true to themselves and to others, they wouldn't spend so much time being miserable or ending up in counseling or on medications. Authenticity and realness are the secrets of living a happy life.

  14. People have always cared about these things. It's nothing new.

  15. People want other people to like them. It comes down to acceptance in society.

    Thankfully I don't give a rats behind if anyone at all likes me.

  16. amen mike. its pretty depressing. more people need to think for themselfs. not gonna happen though. i can only be myself.

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