
What are the main reasons for Global Warming?..?

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and tell me the precaution I can take to control it.




  1. Polution, and I think just the general fact that the earth is getting older, and the rotation is changing slowly.  

  2. MAN.  MAN . MAN, MAN



    SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO.??????????????????????  

  3. 1) Excessive production of carbon dioxide.

    2) deforestation(decrease in the green areas which can decompose carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon).

  4. the main reasons?  me.

  5. us

  6. If you believe the dire predictions of global warming, it's already too late for any action we take now to stop the disaster it will bring. On the other hand, in the past warmer temps coincided with a big increase in agricultural productivity and human life. Cold temps mean smaller harvests and short, mean lives for people and animals. More CO2 means plants grow better and need less water to do so since they utilize that CO2.

    It's hard to see how such a beneficial gas has gotten such a bad rap but the global warming craze will soon be over, I hope. The warmest year in the past 150 years or so was 10 years ago, and the cooling trend is continuing with a winter that's been pretty cool in the southern hemisphere. Now we may need to worry more about cooling since the Pacific and Atlantic oceans are both cooling, the sun exhibits almost no sunspot activity (which usually means cooling) and the brief interruption in our current ice age may be reaching it's end (or it may last another 1,000 years, no one is sure). Even a few degrees of cooling would have far greater impact on us that the same amount of warming, as anyone who has read about Napoleon's march on Russia at one of the peaks of the Little Ice Age can see. Another 'year without a summer' could mean tens of millions of deaths in a single year.

    Protecting the environment is apart from global warming and I fully support reasonable action to do that. Driving a hybrid is sensible, soon all-electric cars will be available and if we're smart we'll have renewable sources for the electricity they require. Try to recycle, not just soda and beer cans but small appliances and other devices. We are so used to cheap replacements that nobody bothers to fix these devices now, but at some point I expect that will change so knowing how to do it might be valuable. Don't drink bottled water, it's often no more than tap water and refilling a bottle from your own filter is both cheaper and will not fill up a landfill with empty bottles. Walk instead of driving when possible, there are many more ideas you can find on this topic that are not linked to global warming.

  7. Global Warming isincreasing the earth’s average temperature. The Green house gases are the main culprits of the global warming. The green house gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are playing hazards in the present times. These green house gases trap heat in earth’s atmosphere and thus result in increasing the temperature of earth. The excessive emission of these gases is the major cause of global warming.

    The major source of carbon dioxide is the power plants. These power plants emit large amounts of carbon dioxide produced from burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation. Coal is the major fuel that is burnt in these power plants. Coal produces around 1.7 times as much carbon dioxide per unit of energy when flamed as does natural gas and 1.25 times as much as oil. The coal gives out eighty percent more carbon per unit of energy it produces as compared to natural gas. Another major source of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the emission from the cars and other vehicles. About twenty percent of carbon dioxide emitted in the atmosphere comes from burning of gasoline in the engines of the vehicles. This is true for most of the developed countries. Moreover if sports bike and vehicles that are essentially designed for rough terrain, emit more carbon dioxide when used for general purpose on roads. It is always better to use vehicles designed for city driving on the city roads.

    Buildings, both commercial and residential represent a larger source of global warming pollution than cars and trucks. Building of these structures require a lot of fuel to be burnt which emits a large amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

    The second major greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide, which causes global warming, is Methane. Methane is more than 20 times as effectual as CO2 at entrapping heat in the atmosphere. Methane is obtained from resources such as rice paddies, bovine flatulence, bacteria in bogs and fossil fuel manufacture. Almost in all parts of the world, rice is grown on flooded fields. When fields are flooded, anaerobic situation build up and the organic matter in the soil decays, releasing methane to the atmosphere. Nitrous oxide, which is a colorless gas with a sweet odour, is another green house gas. The main sources of nitrous oxide include nylon and nitric acid production, cars with catalytic converters, the use of fertilizers in agriculture and the burning of organic matter. Greater emissions of nitrous oxides in the recent decades is leading global warming

    Another major cause of global warming is deforestation. Deforestation is to be blamed for 25% of all carbon dioxide release entering the atmosphere, by the cutting and burning of about 34 million acres of trees each year. Trees collect the CO2 that we breathe out and give away from various other sources, and they give back oxygen that we breathe in. Thus, cutting of trees is leading to greater concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Greater urbanization, requirement of land for factories and buildings, requirement of timber are all reasons that are leading to deforestation, which in turn is leading to global warming.


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  8. Over-population and its use of available resources, including oil, cars, factory emissions and other factors.  One of the things I do since I learned it was instrumental in reducing warming (if even a little) is to unplug all electrical appliances when not in use.  It also reduced my electric bill by about $20 a month.

  9. Increased Sun activity and proof is that the temps on other planets are going up  at the same rate as Earth

  10. Not enough love to go around!

  11. Global warming is caused by solar activity period. From the 1850s through 1940 we had a noticeable warming fueled by a spike in sunspots. The warmest year here was 1934, which was cooler than the average during the MWP. Then through the 40s and 50s it cooled a little bit as Co2 levels rose dramatically. It warmed slightly in the early 60s and then cooled again in the 70s bringing on the great Hansen’s first appearance on the world stage promoting Co2 as a global cooling gas that was going to drive the world into the next ice age and starve or kill most of the worlds population.

    Then just as this was getting off the ground the sun spot activity jumped again and things started warming up again. So on the advice of Al Gore Mann and Hansen rewrote their whole scenario to match his alarmist book and altered the NASA temperature records to coincide with Co2 levels. This heating period ended in about 2000 with the hottest year of the cycle in 1998 well below the 1934 record year. Since then low solar activity has allowed cooling to set in and real scientists are watching carefully to see what direction temperatures are going to do. Recently Hansen, Gore and some of the other alarmists have admitted to 20 years or more of cooling before it starts warming again, but they at this point are guessing the same as anybody else!

  12. By far...The Sun and clouds. You have no control , stop worrying .

  13. It is a scam propagated by Gore to steal your future.

  14. The sun - in particular increased solar activity and sunspots.

    The only known cure for global warming would be nuclear winter.

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