
What are the main reasons why people put their kids up for adoption?

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I'm doing a paper for class and i've been looking and looking. Adoption statistics tell me nothing...or not much. The title basically says it all. Does anyone have any good RELIABLE sites that might answer it?




  1. they are to young and scared


    Could be lack money, employment, a spouse, family support.

  3. 1) Are not able to parent the child for many reasons, including mental health, physical health, financial health, family health.

    2) Do not want to be a parent.

    3) Want a better life for their baby than they could give.

    4) Are very young and not ready/have other goals.

    5) Get raped.

    6) Are coerced into it by family.

    7) Would rather carry the baby to term rather than terminate.

  4. coercion

    being told the baby has died

    being told they are making the best choice and that open adoption will allow them to continue contact with their child while still making that better choice

  5. Maybe you can search teen pregnancy and see if that gives you any ideas. also try this:

  6. they accidently got pregnant or got raped, and  dont want to keep it, and dont want to get an abortion

  7. You can email me for an anecdote about why I put my son up for adoption.  I'll give you my name, and tell you how to cite it if you need a specific way (I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to English.) If your teacher will accept that as a source, they should if they don't.  

    Otherwise I would suggest calling adoption agencies in your area.  Just do a search for them online.  Or call your county's or city's social services.  Or a pregnancy support center.  Ask to interview someone (you can use that as a source too.) Or if they have some  pamphlets or books you can have or borrow.  I'm sure they will.  I know I got books and pamphlets explaining the different reasons why women choose adoption.  Believe me, there are more situations than you would think.

    Anyway, I bet doing any of those things rather than just using websites will get you props from your teacher.  :)

  8. WOW, no crackwhores?

    I see we have evolved, congratulations.  

    *clap clap clap*

  9. Go to some first mom blogs and contact them. The misinformed opinions of people that have never been in that position will not help you write a factual paper. I think I am only the third first mom to reply.

    Here are a few blogs. They have links to many more

  10. Well, I don't have a link, but I can give you some things I know about adoption.

    I was adopted, myself, as an infant though, only a couple of days old. My parents were interviewed by my birth mom, and then they were chosen to be my parents. I think basically, she was just young ( I think 20 or something), she wasn't married, she was in college, and she didn't have enough money to support me. She probably didn't keep me because she loved me. Also, my brother is adopted too. His mom was 16 though, so that kind of explains it. She just wasn't ready to have a child.

    There is a girl in my grade, who is 13 or 14, and at the end of the school year, which was about a month ago, she was 6 months pregnant. Fortunately, she didn't get an abortion. She is actually keeping the baby. If it were me, even though it won't be because I practice abstinence, I would give the baby up for adoption, so it would have a better chance at life, instead of having a young mother. She'll probably have to drop out of school, and that won't be good.

  11. I think some of the reasons people put their children up for adoption is because they can't support them financially. They think that adoption is the best thing for the baby. Or maybe their kids themselves. Either way people have their reasons some good but others not that much.

  12. My Mom was married with 3 children. I was placed to save her marriage and adopted for the same reason.

  13. Seems to be more info on why people do adopt than why they place child for adoption but check these 2:

  14. try googling the Baby Scoop Era if you want to know why women did it back then.

  15. maybe because they didn't want kids or they can't take care of them

  16. I dont know. But I think people shouldn't bring children in to the world if they can't take care of them. And the "people all over are willing to adopt" thing is BS.

  17. Financially unable to give their baby the life they feel they deserve, the baby was conceived during rape, parents are to young to care for the baby, feel they can physically care for a baby.....those are a few of the most common reasons i have heard for those put their baby or child up for adoption by choice.  

    Other children up for adoption are removed from situations deemed harmful such as those being physically abused, molested, severely neglected.  Parent(s) in jail for long period of time or addicted to drugs and not willing to quit.  Those are just a few reasons children are put up for adoption that isn't the parents choice.

  18. I am a firstmom in reunion with my firstdaughter and I had many reasons for choosing adoption...up to and including some of the above.

    Being too young

    Child of a single mother myself

    Wanting more for my child than I felt I could offer

    You can try this site as well,

    "I dont know. But I think people shouldn't bring children in to the world if they can't take care of them. And the "people all over are willing to adopt" thing is BS."(posted by The truth hurts)  

    Sorry, I know I should, but I can't overlook this.

    What if they are only kids???  What  if  they were raped???  Some ppl can't have an abortion because of religion or lack of money, or are just afraid to, any number of things.  I't's so irritating to me when someone puts it out  there like it's black and white, guess's black, grey, white and every other shade you can imagine.  Ppl shouldn't do alot of things, but they do.

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