
What are the main things that control climate?

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I have a science worksheet and one of the questions is what are the main things that control climate and i cant find it anywhere. HELP!!




  1. I'm glad to see you used Climate Change instead of "global warming"

    We are in the Warming cycle, then we enter the Global Cooling during the Cooling cycle etc...etc....

    The climate change is earths natural warming and cooling cycles. We came out of a cooling cycle a couple hundred years ago. We will be starting a cooling cycle sometime in the future. THESE CHANGES ARE NOT DRASTIC by the way.

    These are some new headlines currently in the news:

    Russian Scientist says A Cold Spell is coming. R.A.N.S. shows that a fairly cold spell will set in quite soon, by 2012, but real cold will come when solar activity reaches its minimum, by 2041, and will last for 50-60 years or longer.

    Researchers from the Oregon State University (OSU) Hatfield Marine Science Center are hoping to learn more about how the sea floor volcanoes and earthquakes contribute to the breakup of ice in the Antarctic region.

    Global Warming Impact on Hurricanes might be Less than Earlier Thought a new study suggests says NOAA.

    If scientists can't even agree on what has happened in the past, imagine how much more difficult it is to figure out the future.

    It amazes me that so many people still believe that we are the cause of the Earth's climate changing (How arrogant of them).

    Economically we are wasting our resources trying to convince the world that a natural warming cycle is caused by man.

    We just need to conserve energy and protect the environment. Leave the rest to God.

  2. A number of the most important ones have already been mentioned.  I would add precipitation processes and cloud formation.  These are impacted by oceanic oscillations like Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

  3. I've heard of influencing,disturbing,and a theory of regulation,but none about control.One could say environmental factors play a major part.But that would be side stepping the real question and the list is long.You would have better results using the web search function.Then there's always the theory of intelligent design(God) as one poster already mention.But you said it was for school work and is probably a taboo subject unless it's a private or Christian school...which I believe in by the way.

    Here's list of a few environmental influences.

    1.Sun......albedo temperature effect

    2.The earth ....oceans currents,winds,mountain ranges,atmosphere,vegetation,

    polar regions,industry,volcano's...etc

  4. the sun and the tilt of the earth on its axis

  5. Sun...

    Tilt of the Earth...

    High and Low Pressure...

    Ocean Currents...


    Pretty much anything in Nature

  6. the sun, vegetation, weather n the rotation of earth

  7. Sun, Moon and God

  8. No bull, eating beef hurts the environment

    Lifestyle changes can curb climate change

    These actions to reduce and stop Global warming

    How Many Carbon Calories Are in Your Lunch

    Beef a shocker for carbon emissions,23599,221...

    Methane emissions from beef cattle

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