
What are the major affects of Global Warming?

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What are the major affects of Global Warming?




  1. First of all, to call global warming "just a theory" is disingenuous. Gravity is also "just a theory," but no reputable scientist or thinker or anyone with even a smattering of common sense disbelieves it.

    The fact is that the major affects of global warming are only now starting to be understood. Sea levels will rise as ice melts off the Antarctic continent; that much is clear. Storms will increase in intensity due to the higher level of heat energy in the atmosphere.

    But there is also so much we don't know. We don't know how increasing ocean temperatures will affect marine life, we don't know if the Gulf Stream will change and what affect it may have, we don't know if arid areas will become rainy or wet areas will become dry.

    That's the unnerving part - there's just so much we don't know, and we have no idea if the changes we're causing are reversible or not.

  2. You will be separated from even more of your hard earned $ and al gore will get rich. Also the govn will impose more restriction on your life and freedom. America will be reduced to a third world country if we allow this c**p to go on.

    Don't believe everything you hear:

    Remember the o-zone? never hear about that anymore.

    I also just read some scientists think we are coming to a new ice-age. How can all this be true?

  3. What's happened in the past is that sea levels rise as polar ice melts, resulting in increased rainfall and the shrinking of desert areas. This eventually ends with the start of the next ice age period. The dire predictions of global famine, cannibalism, the end of the world as we know it are foolish and impossible. The Earth just cannot heat to that extent since it's a self-regulating system. If we raised the amount of CO2 enough, from .04% of our atmosphere to the 96% level found in Venus' atmosphere, we still wouldn't get that hot unless something made all the seas boil off and remain in a gaseous state.

    Socrates: As for CFCs, I agree the theory is somewhat suspect if only because it was put forward and 'proven' by James Lovelock, who is one of the most hysterical advocates of what will happen due to global warming. Basically that mankind will be reduced to a few 'mating pairs' living in the Arctic since the rest of the Earth will be too hot. This is patently absurd since CO2 levels have been up to 20 times higher in the last half billion years and the temp was less than 10C degrees warmer than it is right now.

    But CFCs may be heavier than air but the wind could certainly carry them up to the upper atmosphere. My main concern is that they only found the giant ozone hole when they had sensitive enough instruments to find it. Was there always an ozone hole? Maybe, but the CFCs we produced do destroy it so it's a good thing they're banned. It shows that we can act on global warming without the hysteria, take enough time to be sure we don't just make things even worse with a poorly considered plan like is now being discussed by the IPCC.

    They like to scare you about rising death tolls from the heat, but they fail to mention that far more people used to die from cold and cold-induced illness than ever do from heat. The warmer it gets the more that will be true since their worst-case scenario is not possible. And sea levels have not risen, which is another dire prediction made by the IPCC.

    If they get their way at the UN, the main effect of global warming will be the devastation of the Western economies to the benefit of China, India and parts of Africa. In the US alone, the Leiberman-Warner Climate Act of 2008 will cost us $2.856 TRILLION dollars a year by 2050, and the result will be a 25 part per million reduction in CO2 by 2098. Since current levels are 383 ppm and they'll still be rising, that's a very high price to pay for almost no benefit which makes this a very bad idea.

  4. It has not been established if Global Warming is a fact,and if

    there is,that it poses a significant threat to mankind.However,

    there is evidence that the alleged Global Warming is being

    used as a means of getting the people to accept a New

    World Order.The banning of CFC's,which were supposed to destroying Ozone,are in fact heavier than air.It was the

    Du Pont chemical company,that was responsible for this lie,

    because the patent it held on CFC's was about to exspire,

    which meant that Du Pont would not get anymore royalties

    from other chemical companies producing CFC's.Moreover,

    Du Pont had the patent for the CFC substitute,Flurocarbons.

  5. The major effects of a hypothetical global warming would be that it wouldn't be so cold, and we would have more water.  That's about it.  The fact is, the theory of global warming is just that, a theory.  The term scientific-fact is an oxymoron.  Nothing can be proven, or disproven, as fact in the world of science.  Even the theory of carbon-dating is universally accepted as fact.

  6. Check out this website for global warming effects.

  7. The major effects are theories being taken as facts resulting in gullible people throwing their money away on carbon credits and liberals in local and federal governments introducing legislation for proposed tax hikes on carbon producing technologies and tighter regulations on industries that are designed to do nothing but seperate the taxpayers from even more of their money and may very well end up collapsing our economy.

    Bravo Jazzfan!!!!!A sane voice in the din.I can go on with a renewed sense of resolve now,for I am not alone.

  8. I don't know if the debate is "settled" ------- however I see absolutely nothing happening on a global scale which has damaged anything at all. More humans die every year from the lack of fresh water than any GW scenario of doom.

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