
What are the major causes of global warming?

by Guest59202  |  earlier

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What are the major causes of global warming?




  1. The government taxing the US workers to give money to poor countries.

  2. Speakeasy is right on!

    Another cause is Al "I invented the internet and global warming" Gore AKA Al "I make millions of capitalistic dollars blabbing about global warming even thought I believe in the marxist principal of wealth redistribution" Gore

  3. Per the Science Channel....

    The average American Family

    produces 50 tons of co2 per year.

    We're helping....lots!!

    The Chinese are catching up to us.

  4. The media and Al Gore are major causes of global warming. It's not real, were in between ice ages. It's weather, just because it was a degree cooler a few decades ago doesn't make it real. The weather is always changing, some years are hotter, some are cooler. Living in Cleveland Ohio I should know this. We had a very mild winter last year, then mid-April we had a huge winter storm in the middle of spring!! You might have seen it on T.V.  The Indians had a 4 game series canceled.  Turn off the T.V. and open a book.

  5. The sun (how much heat it gives off) & greenhouse gases (the Earth's ability to hold in heat, and therefore, anything else that affects that.  For instance, the melting of ice in the poles exposes more water which absorbs more heat...  

    Speakeasy, I thought the Sahara only got down to the 40s F at night in the winter?

  6. burning and cutting down of green forests. burning plastic which affect the atmosphere or part of it that helps the violet rays of the sun hit the surface of the earth. but since we do this all the time, the sun reached the earth with almost a very hot temperature causing the weather to change from sun to rain and sun to rain. SMOKE is number one cause and the burning flames that rise higher that 4 feet.

  7. As anyone ever used a magnifying glass on an ant hill, maybe GOD is doing this, culling the herd, so to speak.

  8. greenhouse gases

    Which r caused by us

  9. Warming and cooling is driven by fluctuations in the sun's energy output. That is why the Earth was COOLING during the 1960s and 1970s, despite the tremendous amounts of pollutants we were producing.

    Water Vapor accounts for about 95% of the atmosphere's heat retention ability. It is not a pollutant. To demonstrate this, consider that the temperature in the Sahara desert goes from over a hundred degrees in the daytime to freezing at night. In the Amazon jungle, it only loses a degree or two. Why can't all that atmospheric CO2 over the Sahara retain heat if it is the real culprit? The fact is, water vapor is the primary heat trap.

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