
What are the major characteristics used to distinguish the 5 kingdoms?

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  1. Kingdom Monera, Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Animalia.

    Monera - prokaryotic bacteria and blue-green algae and various primitive pathogens; because of lack of consensus on how to divide the organisms into phyla informal names are used for the major divisions

    Protista- eukaryotic one-celled living organisms distinct from multicellular plants and animals: protozoa, slime molds, and eukaryotic algae

    fun·gi  or fun·gus·es

    Any of numerous eukaryotic organisms of the kingdom Fungi, which lack chlorophyll and vascular tissue and range in form from a single cell to a body mass of branched filamentous hyphae that often produce specialized fruiting bodies. The kingdom includes the yeasts, molds, smuts, and mushrooms.

    Plantae - (botany) the taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct plants

    Animalia - taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals

    Hope that helps you out.

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