
What are the major cultural differences between Russia & Ukraine?

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Also, is there a lot of animosity between the two countries?

I'm sorry but I am very ignorant on this issue. but it seems like this to me.




  1. The differences are based on different historic experience, cultural affiliations, language, religion, ideological myths.For example the Ukrainian and Russian Orthodox Churches share the same faith, but differ in terms of their respective historical development, religious traditions and practices that affect their respective spiritualities as particular Churches. In general the Ukranians have tended to be more Western leaning versus a more Eastern, Oriental experience over the ages of the Russians. To an extent today, uncertainty of the attitude to Ukraine’s integration prospects within the EU, and predictable disillusionment after high expectations of the late 2004 – early 2005 that were not achieved for the Ukraine's emerging democracy saw splintering within themselves and have contributed to a sense of resentmemnt to the outside.Russia's succesful empire building and transition to the global economy has been cause for envy amongst the Ukrainians who have felt abandoned by a world that is largely indifferent to their sovereignty declared in 1990. It may be important to note that Ukrain was known as Kievan Rus up until the 15th Century. Absorbed by Russia in 1654 the Ukranians ultimately declared their independence from Russia after the revolution in 1918 and a porolonged war between the two with multiple factions likely re-fired the tone of animosity that holds to this day. Conscription of Ukrainians during World War II increased the angst.

  2. Russians eat bread with every meal and Ukrainians just eat bread.

  3. major are those:

    -- language. Ukrainian and Russian languages, despite on all similarities and closeness of two nations, dont come from the same root. Still they are both Slavic.

    -- arts. even being a part of Russia for over 300 yrs Ukraine have had separate culture and traditions. even those ukrainians who lived in Russia and writen in russian (official language of empire) still preserved ukrainian spirit and traditions, the best example -- Gogol'.

    -- customs. being situated very close U. and R. people are well different in customs -- if uve been to both ukr and russ villages you will know what am i oning about ;)

    both nations sort of dislike each other, especcially if we are talking about Western Ukrainians. but its more of a tradition now)) russian person would be safe in L'vov wout bodyguard. me myself -- a half Russian and half West ukrainian)) common mistake is that east-ukrainians speak Russian -- there s big %-age of native Russians but language spoken is  rather a dialect and stands between R. and U.

    i dunno its late and im almost asleep. and hate my keybord. if you are deperate for info -- email me and ill look up some links for on internet )))

    good luck

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