
What are the major differences between Obama's and McCain's economic policies?

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What are the major differences between Obama's and McCain's economic policies?




  1. Obama is sneaky and hiding how he is going to raise taxes that will get passed onto the American people.  McCain is looking at real solutions that can help to not raise taxes for middle and low income families.

  2. obama will fufil his promise for the ecomy .and Mccain will start more wars.

  3. McCain will continue to throw money at the rich a la George Bush, Obama will end the corporate welfare, institute a middle class tax cut, tax cuts for education, in other words, he has a plan, McCain has nothing.

  4. McCain's will work and all Obama's promise is hope and change.

    If you try to over tax conpanies just because they are making too

    much profit they will just move their operation to other countries and

    take the good paying jobs with them.

  5. Obama wants to give tax breaks to the middle class and create new good paying jobs. McCain brings (hope) as in continue to give tax breaks to the ultra wealthy and let the middle class continue to (hope) things will improve for them.  

  6. Less taxes means more economic activity which means more jobs, and revenue.

    More taxes mean less economic activity which means less jobs and less revenues.  These facts have proven out for the past 100 years, why would they change now.

  7. Here they are, plain for all to see...




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