
What are the major differences between the many protestant denominations?Being protestant does it follow...?

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...that they don't merit any importance to St. Peter's basilica? Which church then is the holiest among the Protestants and which bible version do they refer to?




  1. There is no "one all-powerful church" like in catholicism. Most of the Protestants feel that the way to salvation is through a personal relationship with Christ- without having to go through a priest to attain forgiveness. I was born and raised a Catholic. I now consider myself an american baptist. Christ died for my sins. He said that to go to the Father I first had to go through Him. Why then would I need to get intercession from a priest? Isn't that why Jesus came to earth to abolish the rites of the Jewish faith? He is the perfect sacrifice and there is nothing I can do or go to anyone else who can forgive me like Christ.

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