
What are the major exports from Spain?

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What are the major exports from Spain?




  1. Olive oil; wines, especially very good tintos (red), cava (champagne) and Sherries;  Most of the saffron in the world comes from Spain.  Very good olives; Ceramics of all sorts; ham.  The air-cured hams are the best!  (my opinion) but they are very expensive outside of Spain - and none too cheap there, anymore.  Paprika, and smoked Paprika, currently all the rage in the foodie community.

  2. oliver oil or oliver product.

  3. olives heheheehe


  5. ceramic tile, shoes, toys, food (wine, canned vegs, tuna, olive oil etc) these are mostly Mediterranean/Andalucía exports

  6. I am aware of Chemicals and Textiles.

  7. Where I live it is olive oil and every garden produce from potatoes to avocados. In the summer every vegetable grows at a fantastic rate. You can get three crops of tomatoes grown outdoors each summer. Most of the avocados where I live are exported to the States.

    Spanish wine is exported all over the world. In my opinion some Spanish wines are the finest you can buy.

  8. Most of the exports from Spain are...   Motor Vehicles, Machinery, Basic Metals, Vegetable Products,  Chemicals, Mineral Products and Textiles

  9. Fruit and vegetables especially olives and oranges.

  10. Food products (cured ham, cured loin, manchego cheese, olives, olive oil, seafood); ceramics, wine.

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