
What are the major issues confronting the country and the candidates in this election?

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  1. SImple Judgement, Intelligence, War, and commanding respect from other nations...  

  2. McCain supports the 2nd ammendment while Obama wants to unarm law abiding citizens.  McCain is prolife while Obama wants to kill babies. McCain wants to cut taxes for small businesses while Obama wants to increase taxes for them.

  3. 1. Racism - In 2042, the whites become a minority in the US.  If you haven't got past the racism issue by then, well, welcome to Iraq.

    Canada's spent 41 years to get to the point where we are now ( which is miles ahead of the US).  You don't have that time any more.

    2. International credibility - You have NONE at this point.

    Legally, you are a rogue nation that invaded another sovereign country without reason.  

    The circus that this election is becoming is unbelievable - if McCain wins, your process will have no more credibility than Zimbabwe's.

    3. Brain Drain - In an unhealthy environment for scientific research, the best minds leave.  Lose your brightest people and you lose your edge - dummies can't run complicated systems of invent new ideas.  The science community sent both the candidates extensive questionnaires.  They are impressed with Obama's responses.  McCain has yet to answer any of the questions.

    4. Medical care. - The US is the only member of the G8 not to have a national health care plan.  It's REQUIRED, people.  Get with the program.

    5. Wars and gun control - A society that thinks that you solve every problem by shooting it is living in the past.  Again, America is the only G8 country with such an affection for guns - the rest of us have found better ways to solve problems.  Cowboy diplomacy is so 1910 - this is the 21st Century.  Get up to speed.

  4. Obviously, the economy and the Iraq war. Bring our troops home.

  5. 1. Global Warming 2. Money issues 3. jobs. 4. health. 5. abortion 6. war. 7. torture in war. 8. internment centres for Muslim Suspects of terrorism. 9. Unlawfull request for files on people in Islamic organizations like The Muslim Council.  10. Illegal Immigration.

    As to why we are dead if first not dealt with so demolition of major airports and the jets in them plus major amount of cars after fuel drain ends problem. As to rest unity among those who have been said to be illegal immigrants ,First Nations, and others can  remove red Herring. Which brings to mind number 11. Treaties and advantages in such unity. These are the issues and what could be done on them.

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