
What are the major issues of gender inequality today?

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work-family balance, housing, work, education, family relationships,global chains of caring, migration, advertising,?

are they problems for both men and women ?




  1. Draft, Affirmative action, quotas for women, sexism against men, unequal punishment for crimes, unequal depictions of violence against women and men, men have no reproductive rights, acts that address only women, rape shield laws, insurance, double standards in the case of rape, uneven social programs, biased health concerns (focus a lot more on women's health, aka breast cancer), child support, and entire government offices specifically for women's affairs.

    @Primordius Drool:  I'm just stating the facts.  Can't handle it?  Too bad...

    Resorting to personal attack just make you look stupid.

    EDIT 2@Primordius Drool: I strongly suggest you to go and do some research instead spouting out childish insult.   Seem to me like you still have a lot of "growing up" to do kid.

    A Draft can still happen at any time, nuff said...  Therefore your argument is invalid.

  2. There's only 1 issue.

      Women have all the social rights of a man in addition to the  social and governmental 'chivalry' traditionally reserved a woman.



      I don't see how you or anyone can attack Gunfanatic's answer, everything he wrote is 100% factual-- and here you are attacking him in the manner we normally see woman go about. He's a "rabid woman hating loser", why? Because his answer depicts factual truth about the social injustices in the US that work in women's favor only by taking away from men? - in the same way a parasitical organism gains directly from the host's loss - What's your deal man?

  3. Only one issue: why aren't women in complete control of the world yet and men haven't been reduced to slaves? True women's liberation and gender equality can be achieved only by that.

  4. Attitude is the biggest problem.

    Self-promotion is second.

  5. Gun fanatic - Have you considered phychotherapy??

    I used to work in management in the health industry. The industry was 98% female emplyees, yet the 3 Director's were all males. I happen to know this is far from a unique example. Sure there are many women in management, but upper management is still very much the boys club.

    Edit to Primordius Drool - Well said!! (Re: Gun fanatic)

    Female dominated industries (childcare, nursing, hairdressing etc) are still much lower paid than male dominated undustries (trades & mining etc).

    There are actually more females at Uni that males now..... But still men climb the ladder at work faster. It's a fact, but this should change as younger generations come up through the system.

  6. studies show that females only make 76 cents to the male dollar. also, women are less likely to move up the corporate ladder becuz they can get preggers.  males are looked down upon if their wife works and they stay home.

  7. Yes . Poverty in a globe dominated by The U.S.A.

    which is the major Dominater right now. Ideas there must be a dominant country contribute to such.

    There is this to consider which is the war takes away from social programs but if people were to abolish it then poverty would not be so pressing. There is a division between men and women in that a label with man or woman is put on either which causes each to resent the other and distracts from the struggle at hand which is against poverty. As long as there is an idea to dominate other people is a right there will never be true equality. The use of weapons in a struggle for equality while it may remove one master may replace it with another so to try an unarmed approach instead of revolution may not run that risk.

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