
What are the major lines of racial descent in the human race?

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By that, I mean to ask if the fact that Noah had three sons and they started three major human civilizations is there anykind of evidence to prove that, or would you have to trace everything back to the tower of Babel?

I've heard that there are three major ones - indus valley, african, and the middle east

and that europeans actually branched off of either the middle eastern or indus valley cultures

man, I worded this badly

What are the major cradles of civilization? Or is there just one? I guess there would be a few minor ones that branch off of a major one, or a few major ones that would branch off of another major one that would hypothetically have built the tower of Babel.

If anyone has a good idea on this and isn't confused by what I put up there please tell me.




  1. Ok.  First off, I would like to say that according to recent dna studies they have traced our ancestors to Africa.  However, this is a very new science and it is unknown if this will always be the answer.  It is just what they have at the moment.  We also need to keep in mind that some events in geologic history need to be considered.  For instance, when Toba erupted 74,000 years ago it eradicated a lot of the population of the world.  Therefore, some of the genetic studies show us being a much younger species than the fossil record seems to show.  These kinds of problems still need to be ironed out.

    Also, there is no evidence that a flood covered the entire Earth.  As a matter of fact, evidence seems to be contradictory to that stand point.  However, it is possible that the flood in the Bible was much more localized and included the entire world that was known to the people at the time.  There are a number of these occurances in the Old World especially.  It was a story that was told for many generations in a number of cultures of the Old World before it was physically recorded.  Verbalized stories to tend to be a truth that has some unitentional alterations.

    I would also like to point out that the race of Noah's sons would have been the same race as him.  Racial features are just a product of our body's ability to adapt to its surroundings.  For instance, the ancestors of the Monguls lived in an area where it was more condusive for humans to where snow goggles.  Well, they didn't have snow goggles.  Instead their bodies made the adjustments and their eyes are slanted.  But it takes thousands of years for such a trait to form.  Therefore, it will take some time for people in more tropical areas to lose that trait.  

    Another one is skin color.  In people that live in tropical regions, especially nonforested ones, the melanin is darker and acts as a shield to prevent uv damage and skin cancer.  It also prevents the breakdown of folic acid in the body, a process that can cause anemia and other problems.  However, our body also needs the sun to produce vitamin D (90% of which is produced by our bodies).  In tropical areas this is not a problem, but in more northern regions such as Europe there isn't as much radiation from the sun.  Therefore, people from that region have less melanin in their skin.  This allows their body to absorb the same amount of sun needed for vitamin D production, but not as much protection from the sun is needed.

    As for the Tower of Babel, that is one of those things that only has a small amount of evidence.  So, scientifically can not be proven or used scientifically.  However, language has nothing to do with race.  People in France speak French and are largely caucasian.  But a large number of Africans also speak French, but are very much from the ******* race.

    So, regardless of the fact or fiction of the Bible, race is not part of the equation.  I hope I didn't offend with the scientific evidence vs Biblical accounts; but that is just the way it is.  In many areas they are meeting up, but somethings are just impossible to prove.  That why it is called faith.  So, I won't dispute your faith, I just wanted to point out that evolution of races has been physically proven and would have happened regardless of what happened in the Bible.

  2. Slant eyed, round eyed, black skinned,, or mixtures of the three.

  3. Of course there were many cultures/people around before 'the flood' mentioned biblically.

    Geologic information has discovered that this flood occurred aprox. 7,500 BCE as the continental glacier began to melt creating a huge Black Sea. A plug melted letting this giant sea into the area which we now call the Dardanelles. This area was not connected to the Med. at this time, but was kept out by a land bridge between what is now Greece and Turkey. The pressure of this melting water collapsed the land bridge letting uncountable amounts of water into the Med. very suddenly. This caused a 'domino effect', backing up the large rivers that run into the Med.  It possibly was also exacerbated by a swarm of earth quakes making for a terrible disaster.

    Those who were present migrated as the water levels increased, and whole villages were lost beneath the waters. [some are now being discovered by marine archaeologists].

    This disaster was handed down orally for thousands of years until writing came into being. Then, you have the different perceptions of many cultures, whose ancestors were involved in the actual event, being written, after the fact.

    As I have stated before, 'Noah' was a translated name for a character/person/king of Sumer origins in the tale "The Epic of Gilgamesh". The earliest name found as yet was Utnampishtem and later, Gilgamesh. It has been retranslated many times and the original has yet to be found....if it exists any longer. Again, I have included some urls which give different perceptions. The major 'cradles of civilization' are thought to have been Africa/ North Africa, especially Egypt...It is theorized from what artifacts found that humans migrated at a very early period of time spreading throughout the world.

    I've already explained the 'Tower of Babel' and included references, I believe....

  4. You trace the religious enigmas to find your preferred theory? Your descent on whether you were scientifically created or spiritually created by a deity?

    The majority of colors has been narrowed down to a quad of colors.

  5. we all started from 2 people, a man and a women. as the populace grew and people migrated north, they became mutated and lighter in skin color and hair and eyes. The garden of Eden was said to be in Africa- so that really stirs the KKK people up cause if this is true they have "black blood" in them! I find it hilarious myself. it doesn't matter as my people say "all my relations" meaning we are ALL related to each and need to take care of each other.

  6. It has been genetically proven that the concept of race is a social construct.  

    In order to get a full understanding of the answer you seek, it is practical to reference more than one book.  You may still come back to the same book and scriptures after you have referenced many, but not exploring all explanations will only give you a quarter of insight and only a drop of the answers you seek.  After you have done the research, only then can you safely answer yourself by returning to the foundations of your personal convictions.  If that is not possible, you may have to revise the basis of your question.

  7. What flood?

  8. National Geographic has funded the human genome project. The results are fascinating. Look it up. There is a website.

  9. Humans come from a common ancestor in Africa named M168 (for non-African men). Then they travelled out of Africa and the next ancestor is M89. From there it branches further. At least this is the information I have from my DNA test.

  10. Your somewhat confused "question" belongs in the "Society and Culture" section under the sub-heading of Religion and Mythology.  It has no scientific basis whatsoever, therefore there is no "answer.".

  11. All humans can be directly linked to Africa by DNA studies!

  12. 3?

    Human, human, and human.

    Had you wanted to ask about ancient cultures, their evolution and migrations? Archaeology? You've left me scratching my head.

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