
What are the major problems associated with GMO crops?

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GMO= Genetically Modified Organism

Examples: Roundup Ready Soybeans & corn, BT corn, Liberty Link Soybeans

Also How is GMO crops affecting traditional non-GMO crops?




  1. we are already seeing roundup resistant weeds due to genetic leakage.

    plants will try out parts of other-species pollin

    a little unnatural selection by spraying roundup on everything, roundup resistant weed strains.

  2. i think the real problem is corporate control; the technology is so expensive that only big big companies can control it and their interests are purely profit. did you know that the companies that breed plants and sell seeds are usually the same ones that make fertilisers and pesticides? they have conflicting interests, and they are strongly affiliated with international oil companies. for example farmers who grow round-up ready crops have to sign a contract to use only round-up pesticide, which is manufactured by the same company. It's a dark cloud on the horizon.

  3. a big problem in what they call gene pollution, whereby pollen from a genetically modified crop can fertilize a non GM crop. However, if you engineer the chloroplast which is maternally inherited, pollen containing the transgene will not be transferred to any other crop.

    Aother problem is the over production of chemicals within the GM crop which may be harmful if consumed. However the FDA rigorously screen new varieties so it is unlikely that they would ever be released to end up in the food chain. I know there have been problems in the past, but it is a relativley new technology and there are bound to be some hiccups in the beginning. I dont think it deserved the 'witch hunt' like critisism it got.

  4. The biggest problem is to put up with the Greenpeace comunists that are against them with no reason.

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