
What are the man made causes of global warming?

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What are the man made causes of global warming?




  1. WAT?

  2. There are none.  Scientist from around the world, led by the Russians, the Danish Space Agency, and Mexician scientist are now showing a relationship between the Sun's energy and the Earth's temperatures.  Man is far too insignificant to cause any change to the climate of this planet.

  3. Among others, things that produce carbon dioxide. Examples include burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

    In relation to Dr jello's answer man made causes are not insignificant.

    Ice records show the effects of erupting volcanoes on the temperature of the planet. We produce more CO2 than some of these volcanoes. Just this one example shows that we DO affect the planet with our actions.

    I accept the relationship between the sun and the earth, however we do have an affect on our planet.

  4. Pollution from cars, factories, burning garbage... aerosal cans (hairspray)...

  5. There arent any global warming is a natural cyclic occurrence. Nothing we do to create it or stop it.

  6. About the only thing is urban sprawl.  Cut down trees and fields to build concrete patches that gives off heat long after sunset.  

    BUT we are still coming out of an Ice Age and this planet seen hundreds of them.  People who are willing to believe that man is the cause of global warming and refuses to believe anything else have a fear that are insignificant to this planet, no more significant than ants.  Ants alone weigh more than us, eat more than us, f**t more than us, because there are that many more ants on this planet.

    These same people want to feel that they are significant or important in some way in order to supplement their own shortcomings.

  7. the exaused from cars


    not recycling

    basically everyday routine of people who don't care about earths future

  8. There is no Global Warming as the temperature data was from non calibrated thermometers.  

  9. Breathe especially smoking something bad and exhaling it on to the air.  

  10. Our bodies produce methane gas, which contribute towards global warming.

  11. Massive amounts of methane produced by overproduction of cattle and overflowing landfills. Carbon emissions from Burning fuel in Cars, Factories, Homes, Schools, and other high energy use areas like electrical power plants. Forest fires caused by man, Plastics production, deforestation... to name a few.

    GW may not affect the planet earth as much as it is affecting its inhabitants - that's YOU!

  12. As the human brain evolves it generates more electricity, which is given off as heat. But just because our brains are heating up doesn't mean there is "global warming". We just think there is because our thoughts are getting warmer this is a natural process of evolution though.

  13. There aren't any.  The whole man-made global warming thing is a lie.

  14. Here are some "man made" issues the Eco-Freaks hope you don't find out about;

    Did you know that the Live Earth concert to "save the planet" released more Co2 into the atmosphere than every SUV in America?

    Or that estrogen from birth control and "morning after" pills is causing male fish across America to develop female s*x organs - and that environmentalists, who are overwhelmingly "pro-choice," have helped cover it up?

    Or that the #1 killer in Africa today today isn't AIDS, but malaria -- thanks to environmentalists who banned the pesticide that used to have the disease under control?

    It's all true - but you'd never know it from watching Al Gore's Oscar-winning documentary.

  15. None to date. We are diligently working on creating some global warming here at "Al Gore's House of Horrors". His big boat should do the trick. It's 100' of pure CO2 spewing boat.

  16. hot gases emitted from eating beans

  17. Monsanto

    Global warming is an illusionary word to hide what is really going on! Dead bees and we have 4 years left to live!

  18. Any animal (humans included) produces evil CO2 by simply exhaling. Which begs the question. If the planet has had large amounts of life on it for past billion years, yet there were ice ages between then and now. How is possible to have a global cooldown with all that CO2 around? Using the evironazi logic we the earth should be too hot for anything to survive at this point. Global Warming is real, but people as a species didn't make it happen, nor can we do anything about it. It's a natural occurrence that has happened before and it will happen again.  

  19. trash, carelessness, chopping down trees, littering... there's a lot.

    But no one is perfect.

  20. none

  21. Man made causes are a socialist tax scam to take more of your money

    a library of articles against this scam

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