
What are the measures are u taking to minimise global warming?Are u serious about it?

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I'll try my best to follow you.




  1. I recycle pop cans and pop bottles and since I live in Michigan, I get ten cents per bottle or can. Also every spring every student in my high school goes around and helps around my community.

  2. I'm very worried about it.

    I don't want it to be fall and it's 95 degrees outside.

    By energy saving bulbs.

    Drive less.

    Use the bus.

    Drive a fuel efficient car.

    Turn off some things if you are not using them.

    Seattle has a very good public transit even a park and ride (you park your car for free and ride the bus).

  3. i am serious about because new life is promising,we must make new definition to our industries,then redesign it ,so we must give ideas to prevent the misleading of our resources in order to minimize the consumption in case we can create more jobs and pretty life

  4. None. No.

  5. i am trying my best to prevent pollution and not use sprays that contain aerosoles  because they help release CFC's  which cause holes in the ozone layer thus allowing ultraviolet rays to reach the earths surface and cause over heating (global warming)

  6. I surely take care of the environment wherever I go. I switch off the electronics, especially lights and fans when not in use and I try my level best to tell others to do it. Also, I try to save energy even when in use. Please spread this message. Unplug the chargers and other equiment when not in use. Your mobile or music player's charger is eating up energy even when not in use.

    Recycle when possible. There is my case... In Changi Airport, Singapore, I find recycle bins everywhere. Also, if you're gonna find a place to recycle, do what I do, I stuff all the recyclable trash in my pocket and dump it whenever I can. Also, you must re-use. Use cloth or paper bags and refuse extra packaging.

    Turn the thermostat down. Turn off your AC when not in use. Also, use colder water to was or to bathe than you usually do. Save as much water as you can. Also, you can turn the tap off when not needed. Try not to waste even a single drop of water as it may save hundreds of us and the environment.

    You should switch to renewable energy providers. Use solar or wind energy whenever possible.

  7. Probably my biggest action is I live in a city with good public transit, so I don't own a car and don't drive one.  I do cheat sometimes by taking a taxi, but I can take the bus to my work or even walk when the weather is nice.  

    I just bought a new hot water heater for my apartment that I'm hoping will be more efficient than my old one, which should save me money on electricity and also reduce my CO2 emissions in my apartment.

    My A/C is broken, but even when it wasn't, I avoided using it in my apartment most of the time.  By opening & closing the Venetian blinds to either let lots of solar energy into the unit or block solar energy from entering the unit, I can do a lot to control the temperature in the apartment without burning electricity (which my utility generates from coal - big CO2 no-no.)

    I decided a long time ago not to have any kids to avoid contributing to the population explosion.  

    If you have kids - hey, hope you love them and care for them; kids are great & our hope for the future in a way -- but I'm not bringing any extra consumers into the world, or impregnating a woman who will.  At least so far.

    I have also purchased and read 8 -10 different books on global warming/global climate change over the past 20 years.  I want to keep up with what the scientists are saying about the problem; also, I want to contribute my consumer dollars to people who are thinking & writing about the problem.

    I give small donations (unfortunately!  wish I could afford more!) to the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters, two US-based environmental groups that are lobbying for better laws to address the climate change problem.

  8. I"M BOYCOTTING DIWALI THIS YR>>>>>>>CAN u believe it!

    In fact, I really think it can reduce chunk lot of pollution

  9. NO !!! Anything propagated from Gore is a joke... His movie the scene of ice melted was stolen from another movie. The scene was actually computer generated and not true.

  10. around my house i always make speeches about global warming!

    i think its really important people talk bout it

    whenever i charge my phone and its done

    unplug your still wasting energy

    disconnect the thing you dont use like

    microwave ,radio,etc!!

  11. i am going to start selling palm trees up north, make a couple bucks for me and my family

  12. first of all i am dam serious about that.

    i prefer using my cycle in near by places i.e 10-20min far instead of using my bike or even goes by foot sometimes.

    secondly i use my ac as i need it & for the whole of the time

    i truely work on these things & suggest others to do it

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