
What are the measures taken by the north korean govt. to prevent from people leaving their country?

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There are many people of N. korea leaving the country and migrating to another, so to prevent this situation what is the govt pf North korea doing about it ?

( please try giving the steps taken ? )




  1. They will kill you, they do just about everything though, fence in the country, constantly intimidate and convince people to stay. The list goes on and on, it takes too long to explain.

  2. In the northwest corner of North Korea is the Tumin River Delta Free Economic Zone. It is buitl around 60 square kilometers of land donated by each of the three countries whose borders meet there (China, Russia and North Korea). It was started near the end of the administration of President Bush the Elder in 1992. Only North Korea has built a double wire fence at its border with the zone and manned it with heavily armed guards.

    Most of the North Koreans who have escaped from the "Dear Leader" and his despotic regime have done so by making their way around the guard points into the zone and then to the consulates of other nations located in Chinese cities near the zone. Others have skirted the guards at the 38th parallel by using a sea route into ports in South Korea to be given asylum. Some, departing the East Coast of North North Korea, have sailed to ports in Japan.

    Those who are caught are hung or shot under orders of Kim Jung Il and the leadership of the Workers' Party.

  3. In the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea there is a conference room with guards at each end of it.  On the North Korean side there are three guard and all three are positioned so that they can see each other with orders to any one of that that tries to cross over to the other side.  Also the DMZ is so filled with land mines that through the conference room is the only way to safely escape to the south.

  4. Well considering there are only two countries with borders to North Korea.

    And one of them is mined and completely closed.

    It is not to hard to prevent anyone from leaving.

    North koreans just don't have the means to leave.

    It's not like they can get on an airline and leave.

    Whicj leaves just China.

    And North Koreans do immigrate to China.

    Not alot, because that border is also patrolled by the north korean military, but not as heavly as the southern border with south korea.

  5. The threat of death - that is pretty much straight-forward. If you try to leave, you will be shipped off to a labor camp where you will face either execution, or a life of hard labor where you wish you were dead anyway.

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