
What are the medical benefits from the government in calgary? Are they like in ontario?

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medical benefits from federal government, provincial government and municipal separately for all calgary residents




  1. Which government - federal, provincial, or municipal?

  2. We have "Alberta Health Care" it's available for all residents of Alberta. They charge a nominal fee of $22 for an individual or $44 for a family. Usually a persons employer pays it, but not always.

  3. Alberta Health Care is $88 per family, but there are subsidies for low-income earners.  That fee only applies until the end of this year.  As of January 1, 2009, no more fees.

    If you are talking about the specific benefits when working for the City of Calgary, then I cannot help you.  Each employer will have different benefits.

  4. My mom just moved to Toronto and said that Alberta Health care is cheaper and covers more...I will ask her what she meant...

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