
What are the melting and freezing points of a human being?

by Guest60133  |  earlier

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This is simply out of curiosity. Please explain in detail if you can.




  1. The human body isn't really mostly water, it's mostly water with dissolved solutes, and since dissolved solutes raise the boiling point and lower the freezing point of water, the boiling point would be slight higher than 212 degrees F and the freezing point would be slightly below -32 degrees F.  If you want a more precise temperature, assume the majority of bodily fluids are equivalent to normal saline, which is 0.154 M NaCl, and calculate the temperatures using the following:

    delta T = imK  where i is van't Hoff number (2 for NaCl); m is molality (moles of NaCl per Kg solution), and K is the freezing point or boiling point constant for water (1.86 and 0.512, respectively).

  2. Since the human body is mostly composed of water, it's freezing and melting point is also the same as of water: 0 degree celsius.

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