
What are the migration barriers?

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  1. Migration

    Migration - Migration is the movement of people and things from one place to another.

    Barriers to migration are things that slow or stop the movement of people and things from one place to another.

    Physical Barriers

    – Physical Barriers include mountains

    – Vast expanses of places that are too cold such as tundra or too hot such as deserts discourage the movement of populations.

    – The vast expanse of oceans on both sides of the United States discouraged Europeans and others from invading North America.

    Economic Barriers

    – Economic barriers to migration include poverty and high unemployment.

    – Economic decline often encourages further decline.

    Political Barriers

    – Political barriers may keep people physically in-or out of a nation.

    – Or political barriers may exist in the form of laws that restrict the movement of people between places.

    Cultural Barriers

    – Linguistic (language) barrier

    – Cultural barriers discourage practices that may violate social norms, values and beliefs.

  2. Migration also applies to fauna. For example, an interstate could be a barrier for migratory animals. Sometimes a large engineering project becomes a migration barrier - for example the Panama canal that is completely isolating North and South America.

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