
What are the most annoying bad driving habits of other drivers in your country (/or this country /or compared?

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to this country)?




  1. when they switch lanes in the freeway without turning their turning signal

  2. Wow, there must be a lot more nose pickers out there than I ever imagined!  People who don't use their turn signals, and the "golden oldies" from Century Village who back out of parking spots without turning their heads to see who's coming are what I  hate the most.

  3. -lack of mirror checks

    -using mobile phones

    -map reading-sat nav playing

    -book reading

    -having full blown conversations, or arguemnts with  passengers or other drivers, whilst traveling down the road.

    -not wearing prescription glasses

    -lane hogging

    -last second changes (slam brakes on , indicate, cloud of smoke from tyres, swing  into the junction , mount kerb and zoomoff)

    -road rage

    -drunk, drugs or impaired insome way  i.e  travling at 15mph on a clear road cuz your stoned.

    - not allowing people to pass.

    -speeding up to prevent people overtaking

    -road racing

    -failing to stop  at junctions

    -lack of consideration

    -no Patience

    -poor parking

    -thinking they own the road

    -thinking they are a good, safe, best driver

    -driving like they are on a test track.

    -slowly rolling over the stop line at the lights as they are impatient and want a quick rolling start on an amber light

    cars that cross the lights on amber and red lights


    -constantly appling the brake lights on(tapping on n off or constant) , even though nothing is infront of you.

    -Not knowing your highway code.. i.e coming to a full stop at a clear traffic island or giveway.

    -being poorly overtaken i.e  they over take too close or missjudge and cut in of you -forcing you to do an emergancy stop.

    - not securing children

    - unsafe loads

    - not wearing seat belts.

    - bus drivers and taxi drivers - Full stop!.

    - tail gaiting or menacing drivers

  4. I think in Queensland no one knows how to murge......????

  5. In the U.S., sitting in the left freeway lane while talking on the cell phone (or other distraction).  Here in the U.S., most people simply don't care that they are in the way of other motorist -- afterall, they think, they are #1, who cares if others are in line behind you -- they can wait while you engage in your wonderfull conversation.  Afterall, we are tought, I'm #1 -- who cares that I slow down or step on others.  This is represented in our foreign relations to.

  6. Talking on the cell phone while driving, especially while driving an SUV.  

    I went a decade without getting into a single accident, and then in the past two years, I've been involved in three accidents where the other driver was at fault.  Once, I got rear-ended on an exit ramp where you had to stop to merge into traffic.  The second time, I got rear-ended during a traffic jam on an interstate.  The third accident occurred in a parking lot where a fellow backed out of his parking space into my car (which was moving behind him at the time).

    In all three cases, the other driver was talking on their cell phone at the time they caused the accident, and in two of the three, they were driving a huge SUV.  Frustrating.

    And to the idiot who complained about women drivers: all three of the dummies who hit my car because they weren't paying attention were men.

  7. Having to be telepathis because some of them dont know what an indicators for.

  8. i cant stand when people panic when they find they have gone the wrong way. Sure its a nuisance (sp?) but when they panic the endanger other drivers. I also hate when people drive like 40 mph under the speedlimit, and when people tailgate you when you are going 70 mph! People are so dumb

  9. When people cut you off, don't pay attention, don't use their turn signals, run stop signs-- basically they don't follow the rules and don't have good driving habits.

  10. When I try to pass someone who is going slow, they try to get over too.

  11. Thinking that there car isolates/protects them from the world around

  12. Foreign drivers. Those that think they can drive on the right hand side. Spitters. Nose pickers. Those that do their make-up.Mobile phone users. Sat nav users.4wd owners ( thats the sort that have never been anywher that requires this type of vehicle, the type of driver that cringes at mud.)

  13. That they drive like the road is theirs alone.  Also I hate it when people put their parking lights on and stop dead in front of you.  Idiots!

  14. people who throw rubbish out of the car and people who play music loudly in the belief that everyone wants to hear it.

  15. Don't get me started!  I hate it when (mostly men) drive in your boot and then flash their lights like maniacs so they blind you.  People that drive and pick their noses/apply make up/talk on their phone without handsfree.  I really hate it when you are driving on a fast road (50 mph) and someone pulls out of a side road and then proceeds to drive at 30 mph so you have to slam on the brakes so you don't end up in their boot.  I hate it when people change lanes and cut right in front of you so you have to slam on your brakes.  Grrrrrrrrrrrr!  Driving makes me mad, why do I do it??

  16. Well I constantly see people on their cell phones forget their turn signals, run through lights, or block lanes. Or is it the ones who put on their makeup, or eat fats food and drink that annoy me most. All of the above. guess they have good insurance or they would not be risking all these lives on the roads ways here in the USA.

  17. It's almost always people in trucks or SUVs for some reason that act like they own the road. The tailgate, change lanes without signaling, drive too close to you, go out of turn at a 4way stop, etc. So anoying!

  18. Women driving :) :) :). I think most annoying is when people does not turn that orange lights, on the side, when they are making a turn.  Because it can cause a lot of harm, cars have those light for a reason.

  19. dont know as i dont drive, but as a passenger observing, i would say over drivers pulling out, turning round no signal to state which direction.

  20. People who pull out in front of you to only turn on the next road when there was NO ONE behind me.  WTF? You can't wait til I go by?

    People who don't use their turn signals, driving below the speed limit.  For example, 40 in a 55?? I think that should warrant a ticket.

    People in the left lane on the freeway that are not passing and no one is in the right lane, then you have to pass them in the right lane!

    When you go to pass someone and then they speed up!  

    Tailgaters!  They are so far up your rear that you can't even see their headlights.

    People who don't turn off their brights when you are coming from the opposite direction or when they are behind you with brights on.

    People who wait until the last minute to merge, like when there is construction and it goes from 3 lanes to one, they stay in the lane then get mad at you because you won't let them in.

    People who don't know how to merge correctly ONTO an interstate.  When you are coming into the interstate from an on ramp, you are supposed to yield to oncoming traffic, not butt your way in and make them brake and almost run off the road.

    People that slow down for SMOOTH railroad tracks, I understand if they are really bumpy, but around here you can barely tell they are there and people have to slow down to like 10mph to cross them!

    When I was in NY, I hated it when people were idiots in the snow, they would get mad at you if you were doing 45mph and the road was covered in snow! Of course, sometimes it was funny when you would find them up the road in a ditch, I would just drive by and wave!

  21. turning in front of you when your 2 feet from them, or them stopping 500 feet before a red stop light and then not going when it turns green

  22. ahem where do i start! those stupid men in flash big cars and jeeps riding up the boot or having their lights set too high so you cant see anything its unbelievable!! or they wont let you slow down because they are too close to be able to break! or when they try to force you onto a roundabout by honking even though its jam packed or there is a bigger car in the lane next to you blocking your view so you dont wanna risk it why doesnt everyone just calm down on the roads instead of creating this mexican wave of panic and rage

  23. Driving while being terrible at driving.

  24. I hate to see people picking their noses whilst in traffic jams.

  25. Think people who are talking on their cell phone while driving are really dangerous. They are not doing a good job of talking or driving and their attention is not fully on either task.

    Just plain scary, anywhere.

  26. people that drive ridiculously slow on a clear straight road

  27. Hogging the middle lane on the motorway doing 48mph, not indicating and driving so close to your back side you can see the colour of their eyes. UK.

  28. When they are in hurry then cut you off without signaling,then we both stop at the same light!!!They do all of that for nothing we still end up at the same place!!! In New York!!

  29. Not yielding the right of way when there is a lane-drop. Whenever an accident or roadwork cuts a road down from 3 lanes to 2 there is always someone who speeds along the breakdown lane and then tries to bully their way into the traffic that is trying to get into the remaining lanes.

    That makes a slowdown into a traffic jam because none of the other selfish idiots will yield to that selfish idiot.

  30. Driving and talking on a cell phone

  31. Middle Lane hoggers on the motorway.....nightmare

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