
What are the most common ethical problems today?

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It can be related to anything for example economy, education, politics. Or more specific things such as medicine or business.




  1. It's a huge question starting from animal rights, bioethics, capital punishment all the way to Torture, victimless crime, war  etc. It's all relevant.

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  2. Stupidity and ignorance.

  3. poverty, aids, the poors the wh0res, the b*tches the riches. now let the lord help us.

    you know that if EVERYONE in the whole world turned abstinence, and no rape would be around, no one would have hiv/ or stds. !! now that's a fact. that's why in the bible/quran it says stay a virgin till marriage so nothing like abortion and things can go wrong. but it's 2008, who's going to listen?

    and those stupid celebritys spending money on a little plate of food over a thousand $$ dollars. now they're crazy. when they can help over a thousand of people in Africa from dehydration, and hunger. if each celebrity donated a million $$ we can help africa and create buildings and make the place actually living.

  4. abortion, the homeless, assisted suicide, life support for people in permanent vegetative states.

    there you go, im happy to help you out with your homework.

  5. The most common ethical problems, in order of MOST common to LEAST common are:

    1) Cats using neighbors' sandboxes to take a dookie in.

    2) Children playing in said sandboxes.

    3) Children getting e-coli.

    4) Children dying from e-coli.

    5) Parents suing Homeowners' Association.

    6) Homeowners Association pointing out contractual clause limiting their liability to $10,000.

    7) Parents settling for $10,000 and a free "Cattle Wind Drive Communities" t-shirt.

    8) Cat getting run over by lifted pickup truck driven 5 mph over the speed limit.

    9) Driver, overcome with guilt, driving the truck into a ditch.

    10) Police finding the body, declaring it suicide.

    11) Post traumatic stress disorder.

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