
What are the most common idioms we use in our daily life?

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other idioms you can come up with?




  1. You're driving me up the wall - driving me crazy

    Raining cats & dogs - raining heavily

    Beat around the bush - not getting to the point

    Spill the beans - to tell a secret

    Have a head's start - be ahead from the beginning, start beforehand

    It's all Greek to me - meaningless or incomprehensible

    An arm and a leg - very expensive

    There's so many!

    Hope this helps

  2. When someone is feeling "under the weather", they're feeling a little ill or otherwise unwell.

    When you're "tongue-tied" you're unsure of how to answer.

    When someone is "pulling your leg" they are trying to make you believe something that isn't true as a joke...

    When the "cat has your tongue" it means you can't find the proper words in a certain situation.

    There's also "butter fingers". Don't know if that counts.

    I'll edit if I can think of more.

  3. smell a rat

    cat got your tongue?

    pain in the a*s

    pull sb's leg

    shake a leg


  4. Piece of cake !

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