
What are the most common side effects from a Tetanus shot in adults?

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I'm a 40 year old woman, went to the doctor Tuesday for a check up, needed a Tetanus shot, hadn't had one since 1979 when I was 11 years old! Oops! My arm is still very sore, like somebody beat on it for hours, tonight my neck is hurting a little, like I slept on it wrong, it came on all of a sudden, and I have had a head ache on and off all day.

Just wondering if these could be side effects from the shot? Also, my arm is a little swollen where the injection was given, but too bad, the actual injection site is red though.




  1. All of what you are experiencing is normal with a tetanus shot.  Last one I had made my arm swell so bad I couldn't get a shirt on.  I will never get another one.  Try some ibuprofen for the pain.

  2. The major soreness in your arm is perfectly normal. I recall that lasted a few days. Headache is not uncommon.

    You seem worried. Call your doctor's office and speak with the nurse (or doctor) to get their professional opinion.

  3. Yes, it is a sore arm.  Evidently the more you use it after the vaccination, the better it will be.  But my arm was very sore for a few days after the Tetanus shot.

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