
What are the most common trees used in paper production?

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Which tree do different paper manufacturers prefer? I have only managed to find out that a local manufacturer prefers using acacia because of its 7 year growth cycle and quality. I'm sure that manufacturers from different parts of the world use different trees.




  1. Most paper is made from pine trees. These are trees that can be harvested and regrown quicker than most. Also, please note that paper is also made from other sources such as rice and cotton. Any high fiber can be converted into paper

  2. Paper is derived from wood pulp. Wood pulp comes from softwood trees such as spruce, pine, fir, larch and hemlock, and hardwoods such as eucalyptus, aspen and birch.

  3. Most wood pulp used for paper production here in Texas comes from pine trees.

  4. A lot depends on what sort of paper you are referring to. Some, like toilet paper, contains a high recycled content. The top grades of bond contain a fair amount of cotton, as does paper money.

    In general, figure about 2/3 softwood pulp to 1/3 hardwood. The softwood produces longer fibres than the hardwood does and therefore gives a stronger paper in the direction that the machine runs (MD). There is no difference in strength at right angles to MD (cross-direction, or CD). That's why toilet paper splits so easily when you are wiping yourself and always along the length.

    Another advantage of softwood is that many species grow quite rapidly.

  5. Wood pulp is the most common material used to make paper. The timber resources used to make wood pulp are referred to as pulpwood. Wood pulp comes from softwood trees such as spruce, pine, fir, larch and hemlock, and hardwoods such as aspen, eucalyptus and birch.

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