
What are the most dangerous human foods to a cat?

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I know cats shouldn't eat human foods, or cow's milk. But I was wondering, what human foods are MOST dangerous to a cat? That way, I know what foods to keep away from his reach. Thanks!




  1. anything with a bone in it. also no sugary foods. my cat is allergic to fish...depends on your cat. to keep cat healthy stick to mainly cat food and just give the cat an occasional human food treat.

  2. i Just know that cats are Lactose Intolerant. So they can't have anything Dairy; Chocolate, Milk (unless its cat milk), cheese, yogurt, candy with milky creams inside.

    Also, no grapes or raisins and no bread. No raw meat, avoid giving both cats and dogs any baby food that contains onion powder. No caffeine such as Coffee, tea, etc.  No onions. No garlic and raw garlic is NO not good. Corn blocks their intestines. So no on that. No macadamia nuts, Pear pits, potato peels, Broccoli. No rice.

    That's all i know, hope it helps!

  3. I think mostly food containing sugars, I've heard sugar gives cats worms.

  4. Human Foods That Poison Pets


    Onion and garlic poisoning  

    Pear pips, the kernels of plums, peaches and apricots, apple core pips (contain cyanogenic glycosides resulting in cyanide posioning)

    Potato peelings and green looking potatoes

    Rhubarb leaves

    Mouldy/spoiled foods


    Yeast dough

    Coffee grounds, beans & tea (caffeine)

    Hops (used in home brewing)

    Tomato leaves & stems (green parts)

    Broccoli (in large amounts)

    Raisins and grapes

    Cigarettes, tobacco, cigars

  5. Look at this website.

  6. Dances with Felines gave the list.

    Sugar isn't good for cats, but it doesn't give worms.  Worms are parasites spread in cat faeces, tainted meat and also linked to fleas.  

    Onions contain a substance that causes anaemia.  If you ever feed baby food as a treat, make sure it is a type that doesn't contain onion.

    Always read the ingredient list if you do give a treat of human food.  As well as the food itself, many of the preservatives used in human foods are toxic to cats.  Other foods, though not poisonous, are hard for cats to digest and can cause stomach and bowel upsets which are uncomfortable and messy.

    Also make sure you keep any human medication away from him.  Common drugs such as aspirin and paracetamol are poisonous to cats and warfarin and other commonly used blood thinners are dangerous.  The sugar coating on tablets can be attractive to cats.

  7. Over the counter human medication like tylenol and non steroidal anti-inflammatories such as aspirin or acetomin can cause kidney and liver damage

    One acetomin tablet or capsule will be fatal without treatment

    including but not limited to anti-depressants and blood pressure pills

    Hair re-growth creams

    Plants and Flowers such as......

    lillies including easter and asian varieties cause kedney failure and can be fatal if ingested

    Common kitchen ingredients such as....onions,garlic,chives,and leeks which are members of the allium plant family toxic to cats.

    Toads from the Bufo Marinus species found in the southern states

    liquid potpourri and essential oils

    Chemicals used to get rid of pests



    Raw fish, poultry or eggs


    Dog food

    linear foreign bodies including tinsel and rubber bands, and string or yarn

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