
What are the most effective forms of dicsipline?

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I have a 20 month old girl and five year old boy and I think I've lost the plot! I need to find something that works and be consistent. I wondered if other parents had found a form of discipline (none violent) that has helped them. Thanks.




  1. Yep. Nothing worse than taking away their favorite past time. It works like a charm. I swat..not spank. We have a rule where I say "Stop it now or don't". If he doesn't listen I start counting "1.....2.....3". If I get to 3 that's one swat for the day. You'd be amazed at how rarely you hit #3 if you ever do. I've yet to make it to number 3 after the first 2 times of using it 2 years ago. My son's 2 swats wouldn't have injured a fly. I remind him constantly..mommy doesn't want to ever swat because it hurts her and she doesn't like hurting you but I'm responsible for you. Please don't make it to #3.  

  2. Time outs always worked for me.  

  3. smacking, bribary and yelling never help. in my opinion, if they are acting up, give them a warning, get down on their level, talk to them in a calm but firm voice. it is always good to tell them what they are doing wrong and what they should be doing instead. If they continue to act up take them to the naughty corner/chair/room/mat for time-out. it may not work the first time, it will take some getting used to!

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