
What are the most freakish Genre miscategorizations you've ever seen?

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Well, up until a few weeks ago, I wasn't aware Linkin Park was symphonic black metal from the heart of Norway.




  1. I had no idea that My Chemical Romance was metal, FOB was punk, or Slipknot was death metal.

  2. How about JETHRO TULL as the HEAVY METAL Grammy Winners.

    What the Hey was THAT about ??

    EDIT --

    "Slipknot as "music."

    LMAO - That was Dam Clever !!

    I guess some people don't have a sense of humor !

    C'mon, Folks !! Even if you're a Slipknow Fan - That was Funny !!


  3. I just answered this:

    Paramore and Lacuna Coil are death metal? Since when?

  4. Slipknot as "music."

  5. Yeah, mines the same as TickTickBOOM's.

    I read that while surfin' aroudn the web, all I could do was laugh and feel sad about all the Punk Rock being given such a horrible name.  

  6. Someone actually said Eminem was a brutal death metal band to me on IM once. Of course, I blocked them, and said they were a shame to music.

  7. You actually heard that?Wow.

    I think that,in general, the most misapplied musical term is the term "gothic rock/metal".

    Of course there is the well known confusion of the nu-metal kids,because some of their favorite bands wear fishnets.

    Some people I know(and who actually do listen to some rock music) believe that death metal and gothic rock are more or less the same thing.That girl said to me a couple of days ago that tonight "there's a black/death metal night there,and I don't like that gothic music stuff".

    It may not sound as gross as yours(all the ones above actually),but it's entirely clueless,more widespread,nothing like the occasional random mistake,and it never seems to stop,heh.

    Also,a couple of metalheads I know believe gothic rock is all about the synth-pop stuff.

    Even some gothic rockers themselves took the term very seriously perhaps and became too literal and pretentious with their music.

  8. On Wikipedia someone changed the Jonas Brother's genre to Black Metal. I LOL'd

    Oh and some girl at school was trying to start a conversation with me and she's like "Yeah.. I LOVE metal too. My favorite Metal band is AFI" I ROFL'd

    Edit: Bored guy, it must have gotten changed back to pop/rock or whatever. This was a while ago... Maybe as much as a month ago.

  9. Jonas Brothers as "Punk Rock"

  10. I have also seen Jonas Brothers as Punk

    Green Day as punk

    Lionkin Park as hard rock

    My Chemical Romance as rock

    Good Charlotte as punk

    Miley Cyrus as punk

    Bring Me The Horizon as metal

    Gym Class Heroes a punk

    Blink-182 as punk

  11. I saw, in iTunes, Death's album Symbolic classified as Electronic. I also saw another extreme metal band under "pop" but I forgot which one...

    Jackie is suspended: when did you see that? I went on Wikipedia and it was changed to pop/pop rock...

  12. Limp Bizkit being called a metal band!

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