
What are the most fun field trips or activities that you have done, or plan to do during the next year?

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What are the most fun field trips or activities that you have done, or plan to do during the next year?




  1. School wise we have gone to SDC amusement park! That was sort of a History thing! We are going to go to the zoo and hopefully th George Washington Carver Monument and Laura Ingalls House! SO lots for fun and school!

  2. Well let me see. We are in our 4th yr of homeschooling and we have done some interesting things..........

    Drove the Dragon's Tail (it's a mountain rd) in Tenn.

    Gone to Williamsburg and Jamestown in Virginia;

    Saw Little House on The Prairie the stage play and got my daughter's Little House Book signed;

    Gone to Dinosaur World in Plant City Fl;

    Spend Mondays at a Botanical Garden and Sundays at one of the local Springs;

    Inner Tubing down Black Water River in Northern Fl;

    St. Augustine, Disney, Universal, Sea World, Science Center, History Center, Renassaince Faire every Feb, Civil War Reenactments, Founder's Day coming up in 2 weeks and a Fossil Fair this weekend.

    Went and saw the movie Becoming Jane for History and went and looked for Mars tonight.

    I keep my daughter pretty busy. I faithfully get the paper every Friday for the Calendar section since it lists upcoming things and write down dates and times, pin stuff up on the walls and even though some stuff may seem like it has no purpose, there is a reason behind every single trip, movie, activity (education is everywhere you just have to open your eyes, ears and heart).

  3. Well my grandkids did a social studies project in Sacramento California, where they joined a whole  number of homeschoolers, that lived and acted out the life of the early settlers in the fort in Sacramento.  They had to make the right clothes, take the right things to cook with,what to do during the day, etc. so the tourists could come in and watch them work, play, etc.This included assignments given to each student to do for the tourists....  It was highly educational, and Mom, Dad, the baby, etc. all went together and stayed over the whole weekend.

    It took a lot of work, and they really learned a lot.  They had rules for their clothes, their food, etc. so it stayed totally realistic.

  4. We have a park in our area that is set up with various types of homes from the history of our city, beginning with a log cabin that was the first home in the area to various types of architecture introduced from immigrants moving in to the city area. They had a farm, complete with animals where they cooked the old fashioned way for all the actors to a school house, blacksmith, so on. That was a blast. During lunch they had a story teller talk about settling the area. Fascinating.

    Another was a visit to a speciality bread store where they make their own bread, including grinding the grains, wonderful. A trip to a medieval fair, especially good since we were studying medieval history, the US Mint, plus we have a ton of museums, so we've visited many of them. Those are just a few that really stick out in my mind.

  5. We just moved to a new state and we live near a much larger city, so we've spent much of the last year enjoying all of the new opportunities.  Some of our favorites:

    The science museum: TONS of hands on science experiments, Lego robotics classes, a planetarium, IMAX theater, and my son's favorite - a decommissioned submarine.

    The art museum: I was unsure how my son would like it, but he loves it!  There are so many different forms of art that it really gave him some great ideas.  He realized you could be artistic even if you can't draw or paint!

    Local farms:  besides the "regular" farms, we have elk farms, alpaca farms, organic farms, and an 1800's farm with people dressed in period costumes and performing period activities.

    Some of our other favorites: touring a nearby dam, the fish hatchery, historical museums, national parks, historical reenactments, waterfalls, the zoo, forestry center, the beach, military museums, an active volcano (Mount St. Helens), and bookstores!

  6. Hi.  Although I'm only 20 years old, I might be able to help you out with the field trip stuff.  

    I was about ten years old and was in fourth grade and we were taken on a tour of the Hyatt hotel in Buffalo, NY. Lol.  Sounds exciting I know, but it actually was interesting to go into a large building, and it looked real nice inside.  Although I do live in the suburbs, it's always cool to go inside a large building and explore it because it isn't something I see everyday.  Then we would get something to eat and then we took another tour into a supermarket into the back room of each department.  Again, it was a unique field trip and that's why I still remember it lol.  That was probably the best field trip I had out of every field trip through elementary and middle school.  It beats going to a museum and rehashing historic events lol.  

    Other exciting field trips were at the zoos/aquariums.  

    Any other questions, just message me!


  7. visit the Statue of Liberty. see a Broadway show. go to the Poconos. the New York Aquarium. Bear Mountain NY.

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