
What are the most important contributions of homo habilis? of homo erectus? of homo sapiens?

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What are the most important contributions of homo habilis? of homo erectus? of homo sapiens?




  1. Homo sapiens built the world as we know it and look what a mess they made of it.

    Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus are simply figments of evolutionist's imaginations.  They never existed.

  2. homo habillis, here for the first time, stone tools are evident, this is where for the first time, a species had an unatural power over nature.

    homo erectus, homo erectus holds the honour for being the first hominid the control fire. If it weren't for this advancement, there would be no astronauts.

    homo sapiens, the first full on sophisticated language. Also the first species to migrate to other continent via boat.

  3. Contributions to what?  Current human society?  The planet's ecosystem?  The art of hominid species?

    Homo habilis, called "Handy man" because of the large number of artifact tools associated with the fossil sites, is the oldest Homo species.

    Homo erectus may have been the first to use fire (but this is often debated).  Stone tools, produced by chipping or knapping, often had very sharp edges compared to earlier tools.

    Homo sapiens is noted for its large brain size (as estimated from the cranium).  Often touted as the first to have art, but this is totally unproven.  This species had had the greatest impact on the planet's ecosystem because of it's arrogant nature.  This species has developed the greatest number of methods to destroy lifeforms than all other species of plant, animal or hominid combined.

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