
What are the most important phrases I should learn in French as a tourist?

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What are the most important phrases I should learn in French as a tourist?




  1. I am a British expat living in France and most of my visitors get frustrated in restaurants as they can't understand the menu but can see people eating great food. To help them (and others) out I put together a simple guide to French menus:

    Hope this helps, OurManInParis

  2. Of course please and thank-you, but, don't forget "where is the ladies room?"

  3. Quick phrases:

    -Excusez-moi,c'est ou la toilette?

    -Excuse me,where's the toilet?

    -Excusez-moi,vous parlez l'anglais?

    -Excuse me,do you speak english?

  4. Bonjour (Good morning)

    Bonsoir (Good evening)

    S'il vous plaît (Please)

    Merci (Thank you)

    Au revoir (Goodbye)

    Parlez vous anglais? (Do you speak english)


    If you want to learn how to pronounce them, check this page.

    It has all the essential holiday phrases with mp3 downloads.

    Bonne Chance!

  5. You need to be able to say "Please" and "Thank you." You need to be able to ask for directions and to ask where the bathroom is. Get a basic phrase book and carry it with you.

  6. Nothing. The can understand english.

  7. 1- where is the toilet - "votre nez est tres grande"

    2 - do you speak english - "vous parlez les dechets complets"

    3 - where is the eiffel tower - "veuillez me claquer dans la bouche".

  8. Good Morning- Bonjour! (bon-juure)

    Thank you - Merci (Mear-see)

    Do you speak English? - Parlez vous Angalis?- (par-lay voo ahn-glay)

    I speak very little French - Je parles tres peu Francais (jay parle tray puu fran-say)

    Goodbye - Au revoir (oh ree-vour)

    I love you [just incase ;) ] - J'taime (juu te-mmm)

    Good luck and vive la France!

  9. "Parlez-vous anglais ?" (do you speak english). Most of Parisians speak english.

    When in Paris, you should ask for directions and advices to people in the street instead of shopkeepers (shopkeepers are not really polite here).

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