
What are the most obscure vegan fake meat products you have seen?

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Have you eaten any of them?




  1. Field Roast Chipotle Sausages!  So good!  Spicy! So hard to find.

  2. Yes I have eaten many of those mentioned and here in Toronto Canada, I buy a product labelled "Tofy Jerky" it is the chinese bean curd sheets soaked in the smae kind of marinades meat jerky is made with and ried in a heat source also, it is like tofu fruit leather with soya sauce and chils on it, I buy it at a Vietnamese bakery and loved the hot and spicy one, a bit of a challenge the first time you eat it, you need strong teeth and a strong resolve also. Can irritate the bowel in some people.

  3. Unbranded TVP that are colored or shaped to look like shrimp, pork or chicken bits. I tried them but they seem to taste too much like the real thing so I have doubts that they are really vegetarian. The seller insisted that they are but....

  4. I think it was something that was supposed to resemble a fish fillet.   No..I could not bring myself to buy it.

  5. I once saw a can of vegetarian "tuna". I was afraid to try it. (lol)

  6. Vegetarian mouth breeder.

    vegetarian beef tendon(I've tried this one)

    vegetarian rolled squid/squid jerky(this one too)

    vegetarian sea cucumber

  7. A lot of people don't seem to know about wheat gluten (seitan).

  8. When I was in NYC, we went to a restaurant that was all vegan and they had mock shrimp.  I have never been a fan of seafood and never liked the look of it.  It didn't really look like shrimp or taste exactly like it, but my god, it was fantastic.  I asked and it was made completely from seaweed.  I wish I knew where I could get my hands on a recipe!

  9. I've seen a lot of mock seafood products, which for some reason creep me out in a way mock burgers don't.  My little vegan grocery has "shrimp" that look for all the world like cocktail shrimp.

  10. Oh, the fake chicken b*****s in the shape of a chicken. UM HELLO we don't eat animals so why are you shaping it to look like one!?

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