
What are the most people beaten in a fight at the same time by one person?

by Guest62934  |  earlier

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Hi, because movies showcase hero's battling armies I was wondering what the most people defeated in a fight by one person is in real life?




  1. A dozen or ten at any one time would be the most I reckon one person (with proper training) could handle, any more and he/she would just get swamped by the attackers. but with something guarding your back I think it could go up to maybe (a BIG maybe) 15 people but the person defending would have to be exceptional.

  2. It really depends on how good are the opponents. I know a case of a Red belt first degree (southern praying mantis took out 8 common street thugs in self defence. I can't imaging how many a 9th degree master can take out. These guys with incredible iron body conditioning and also, they can knock you out with 20 or 30% of their power, and they only need one strike to finish off each guy. Most likely scenario is that few guys got knock out cold and the rest start to hesitate and they may start to run.

    Trying to surround a 9th degree and jump him would not be easy, because he is a master tactician.

  3. on one of the cky's, some monster takes on 4 peoples and wins. he just tore threw them.

  4. While, armies being defeated by a single person is a little far fetched, a couple to a few people can be defeated by one. It's not a common occurance for certain, as there are many factors that affect any outcome. These factors can even affect somebody who has beaten a group before.

  5. movies arent always true but id say maby samurai from the olden japan days could hold that record but id have no idea of the number

  6. dont know if it was based on a true story

    but john rambo was an elite seal who took

    out his share (my guess -at least 80)

  7. Mas Oyama beat 100 people at one time.  He's the Kyokushin Karate master.  Now it is standard practice to take on 100 attackers as part of the shodan test

  8. Mas Oyami did not take on 100 men at once.  He fought his students 1-on-1 up to 300 rounds over a period of 3 days.  And it's voluntary basis only to take the 100 man kumite.  Which is fighting 100 rounds and not 100 men at one time.

    In the movies the hero is actually fighting each man 1-on-1 but back to back.  It's choreographed in a way to give the illusion that he is taking on an army.  But in real life if an army of fighters ganged  up on 1 that person would be overwhelmed and defeated.

    Unfortunately I can't give any real life examples of a person defeating a large number of opponents in a single fight.

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