
What are the most popular surfing injuries?

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What are the most popular surfing injuries?




  1. Judging from what I read in the news headlines, shark bites.

  2. Damien Hobgood recently fractured his kneecap on a rock underwater in Chile. Most injuries happen in crowded surf, people getting their ankles raked by fins. If you're surfing a barreling wave, the question is not if but when. Injuries happen on shallow reef breaks. No risk, no reward, right?

  3. I'd have to say either falling on coral and getting sliced, or shark attack

  4. the most popular injury is a shark bite... the most COMMON, however, is the notorious TRASH RASH. When the wave slams you along the bottom for a few yards... gotten mostly on the tops of feet and toes, shoulders ,ribs,and elbows (not so much your knees...don't ask me why- it just seems to miss)

  5. cuts on rocks, reef. i recently got 9 stiches because some idiot tourist hit me. mainly fin cuts are the worst

  6. Cuts and scrapes from the reef!!

  7. Feet  injuries,

  8. I don't think that any injuries are popular, unless you are into S&M that is.

  9. bleached blonde hair

  10. DEATH.....

    Good luck!!!

  11. drowning?

  12. haha, most popular!!, i think you mean most common!! haha

    id say swimmers ear!! haha

  13. Coral injuries - getting very deep cuts from them, if they don't mangle you.

    Shark Attacks

  14. Most popular??  Injuries aren't popular, not everything thinks "If I could choose my injury I would pick......

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