
What are the most pressing threats to the human races existence?

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what could be possible threats to social and biological ways of life on earth for humans?




  1. Volcanic winter would create another ice age, which would most likely wipe out most species on the planet.

    Those who think we are our own threat for extinction are just caught in the global warming hype. Yes global warming may result in a lot of deaths and land to decrease. There may also be nuclear wars that would cause winters.. but none of these factors would completely eliminate humans all together. A natural disaster like a volcanic winter would instantly make the air turn into toxic sulfur, and the ice age it would produce will eliminate much of the food we have. Crops would die, animals will die, and humans will die.

  2. Human ignorance and the loss of compassion and empathy.

  3. humans

  4. I think the super volcano in yellowstone national park is the biggest threat, its 300 years overdue for eruption, and it will destroy life as we know it. the severe climate changes, smoke filling the air, and lack of food due to all other animals dying off as well would all lead to the total annihilation of the human race

    aah, what a wonderful bedtime story.

    Other things: black holes, asteroids, and a super virus

  5. The most serious threat is overpopulation.  Most of the other problems our species will have and has in the present are indirect results of overpopulation.  In the future, continuously growing population will produce a shortage of resources, wars, and famine, until the population shrinks again—unless human beings take action to limit population growth, which they almost certainly won't.

  6. The worst one (and the most likely one) is overpopulation. Uncontrolled breeding of human families will result in more humans than the earth's resources can support. Without access to education and materials for birth control, then starvation, illnesses, and wars for more territory will doom humanity.

  7. The 'germ' would have the best shot at mans annihilation

  8. Humanity itself as a whole.

  9. that guy is so right we are own biggest threat, as the econmy fails,its not the oil or anyone else its us,raising the price of gas, humans being greedy humans breeding too much and being lazy living on welfare and ect..if you want to really see how the future will be go to the library or soemwhere and rent soylent green it was an old movie that came out in 1973 starring charlton heston.seeing this movie actuallly scared me becuase i can see how they were off on the year they set it in but their predictions on inflation and the value of life are right on the money...i hope we never see our world turn in to the type of world in that movie,the only thing worse would be how real the possibility of nuclear disater has become.  

    i guess what i am trying to say is every one says that humans are the smartest beings,but we are the only species that has wars,and kills other humans for how smart are we really?

  10. 1) Consumption - we are consuming resources at a rate that cannot be sustained. Fossil fuels will run out and our way of life will end. Society will no longer have cheap energy and society will decay.

    2) Global Warming - warming temperatures will melt frozen pockets of methane in the frozen tundras releasing a lot more green house gasses speeding up the temperature increase. Water levels will rise, ecosystems will collapse, shorelines will rise, droughts will cause famine and disease, millions will be displaced by hospitable zone becoming inhospitable causing huge numbers of refugees, and those refugees will destabilize surrounding governments.

    3) Disease - Sooner or later a drug resistant strain of bacteria will evolve and wreak havoc in our society. It will be like pre-penicillin days all over again. Even worse, one day an engineered disease may be created specifically to spread and kill.

    4) Super Volcano - the things exist and they erupt. If the one in Yellowstone blows its cork be prepared for the destruction of the united states under a rain of ash and toxic gasses and the complete crumbling of Western society

    5) Meteors - They have hit and they will hit. The dinosaurs didn't fair to well and for all our technology we still can't track many objects in the sky and have no way of deflecting large objects from space.

    6) NUCLEAR WAR - The ultimate achievement of mankind... the ability to destroy itself.

    7) Someone looks at Chuck Norris wrong - need I say more?

    There are others but the ones listed are both popular and real.

    *note* not man of the listed reasons could actually wipe out mankind... only kinda diminish it.

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