
What are the most prestigious Law Schools?

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(More than just Harvard please)

Also can you get into one of these prestigious Law Schools from a State College?




  1. Columbia?

  2. Harvard, Georgetown, Yale - don't know the answer to the second part of your question but check with a school counselor.

  3. http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandre...

    That is a link to US News's Law School Rankings.  They are a good resource for college and graduate school rankings.  As expected Harvard and Yale are at the top.  Pretty much all the Ivy Schools have good law programs.  As for non-Ivy school Stanford, Chicago, Michigan, NYU, California-Berkley and Virginia are the best.  Schools like Boston U, Texas and UCLA all have very good programs but are not as hard to get into (or as expensive as the Harvards and Yales.

    I am not quite sure whether you mean is it possible to transfer from a state school to a prestigous law school or whether its possible to be accepted to a prestigous grad school after graduating from a state school.  Both are possible.  Transferring would be much more difficult, but assuming you have the grades and credentials to be accepted I am sure you could transfer.  As for getting accepted if you went to a state school; of course!  A lot of students go to state schools for one reason or another (usually financial reasons) but end up attending a prestigous grad school.  

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