
What are the most touching birthday wishes you have ever received?

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What are the most touching birthday wishes you have ever received?




  1. I was at a Navy training school after boothcamp and several of my fellow classmate had a little suprise party for me it was great I did not expect it and I was sick and working/duty on my birthday it was Dec 30 1999 cold as heck (Chicago). God that was a million years ago wish I stayed in touch with more of those people.


  2. it's a secret, but I never make any wishes on my birthday.

    I feel that I would be cheating life instead of working hard and earning what I keep.

    this is my own personal view.

    ~Child of Ra

  3. That I be blessed with great health, wealth & love.

  4. a scrapbook from my best friend & pics of us from over the years

    whops, i thought it said gifts lol... my sister said "well, you'll always be older than me" but that's not very touching lol

  5. My best birthday wish was that I have inner peace with myself and to finally be happy.

  6. When my 2 daughters gave me a heart shaped necklace with "We love you Mom, Christy and Felisha" en scribed on it, made my cry with joy of course.

  7. "Sorry you're getting old, but I'm right behind you."

  8. "I hope you find what you're looking for."

  9. when the guy i liked started liking me!

  10. when i got to see my dad

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