
What are the mother of the bride duties?????????????

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What are the mother of the bride duties?????????????




  1. This is your daughter's moment so, as a mom, your duty is to let HER shine.  Too often on here, I hear horror stories of mothers who take over the planning, bully the daughter into doing what the mother wants, and basically trying to steal the limelight even on the big day.  This day is not about YOU, so keep that in mind when helping her make decisions.  The wedding day is about celebrating this wonderful couple.  Don't add more stress on the daughter either.  She has enough to begin.  WAit to be invited to wedding appointments.  Don't guilt her into inviting you.  Let her take the lead - she'll let you know when she wants you involved.  But definitely show interest so she knows you'd enjoy coming to those things.  Don't offer suggestions unless she specifically asks for your opinion.  Remember this wedding is supposed to be a reflection of their style as a couple, not yours.

    Other than those things, just be encouraging, keep her sane, be her cheerleader when she feels overwhelmed and tell her how beautiful she is on her big day.

  2. The mother of the bride acts as the family coordinator.

    She works with the bride to coordinate her dress to the wedding.

    She assists the bride with her dress.

    She helps with the guest list by providing names and addresses of family members.

    She advises the bride with photographers, florists, caterers, etc.

    She greets guests at the reception.

    She ensures that the guests are all happy and comfortable and helps the bride and groom's day go smoothly.

    She hosts the rehearsal dinner. She may host the bridal breakfast.

    She spreads the word on appropriate bridal gifts.

    She makes the first steps towards meeting the new in-laws.

    She pours oil over troubled waters.

  3. Help plan, if the bride asks for it. Help pick out the dress, usually pay for the wedding (not in my case) kepp the bride stress-free!


  4. You don't have a lot of responsibilities unless you choose to.  My mom came with me to pick out my wedding gown. Just the two of us.  It was really special and I really loved having her input.  Together we picked out a beautiful gown and it meant so much to me that she was there.  You should offer to contribute towards the bridal shower if you want.  Just be supportive.  You could go with your daughter when she goes to check out places and pick things out for the wedding.  You have to pick out your dress for the wedding.  I would give yourself plenty of time if you are ordering a dress.  At least six months.  You well be a big help to the bride on the day of her wedding.  You can go with her for her hair appointment.  Usually the bridesmaids will sleep over the brides house.  It is tradition but obviously not necessary.  You can have a nice breakfast and/or lunch for the girls on the day of the wedding.  Then just enjoy the day and bring plenty of tissues.  I'm sure you will be emotional.  

  5. One of the most important early duties is to decide on your dress and let the grooms mother know. She traditionally will follow your lead in the style - long or short, formal or casual, etc.

    You also may host the shower if you are planning more than one and some of the guests would be closer to you in age or relation (coworkers, family friends, aunts, grandma's etc.)

    Help your daughter pick out her wedding gown.

    Open the check book and be ready to spend way too much money, but have fun doing it.

  6. Well, your most important duty is to support your daughter and help her make her wedding dream a reality.  Help to keep her in check with what is realistic while balancing what she wants for her day.  Try to let her opinion be the most important one and support her when she needs it.  Other than that, usually your most common duties would be to assist her in wedding duties, like choosing a dress and making other decisions.  And of course, walking down the aisle and looking lovely would be important as well!

  7. TO PAY FOR THE WEDDING!!!!!!!!!! We didn't get lucky here.Cant get one cent out from that woman.I love my mom though,but she believes the groom should pay for the wedding.Ridiculous.Anyways to answer your question before i start getting angry thinking about how stingy my mom is,well she just has to make sure the ceremony and reception site are stunning looking,make sure nothing is forgotten and have tears of joy when her baby is walking down the isle.

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