
What are the name of the pieces of chess called?

by  |  earlier

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king, queen, ok I know but what are they called all together?

for example if I drop all of the pieces I would say

oops I drop the ........

I thank you before hand





  1. King Queen Knight Rook Pawn

  2. On the far right (of where you are playing) - rook

    To the left - knight

    To the left - bishop

    To the left - king

    To the left - queen

    To the left - bishop

    To the left - knight

    On the far left(of where you are playing) - rook

    Front row - pawns

    and they are called a bundle or chess set

  3. chess set

  4. They are King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook and Pawns.

  5. front row: pawns,  back row: rooke, knight, bishop, king, queen

  6. a chess set?

  7. simply pieces

  8. King Queen Knight Bishop Rook and Pawn

  9. pieces I guess

  10. Chess set probably there really is no name for it because everyone would proably be to ignaorant o want to evn know

    unlike you

  11. I droped the chess pieces.

    There is not a specific name set for them all together. Some people often call them Chess figures and other call them chess pieces.

  12. You dropped the set.

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