
What are the names of some good colleges for a learning disablility student?

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What are the names of some good colleges for a learning disablility student?




  1. adelphi university

  2. As long as you apply yourself and you have the desire to succeed at what you are doing, any college is a "good college" for a learning disabled student, even Harvard and M.I.T.

  3. Any college is good for a student with learning disabilities so long as they are willing to apply themselves.  I too have some learning disabilities (not severe) and I have learned that I need to work harder than anyone else for my grades... but it is well worth it.  This student needs to find something that they love, and go to school for it so that they have even more reason to work harder for that degree.  Good luck, tell this student to never sell themselves short, there is help at all universities for students with special needs.

  4. I have LD and ADHD and I go to UC Berkeley.  Like another poster said, if you figure out how to manage your LD you will do well in school.  The top schools in the nation have some of the best programs and resources for people with LD.  I suppose it would depend on the type and severity of your LD.    Good luck with everything!

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