
What are the names of some simple jazz turns?

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I take a beginners dance class at school and I have a final next week. I need to know how to do the simple dance turn but I forget the name. You do something like cross right foot behind your left then turn and while half way around, make a ball change and finish the turn.I do not know the exact but that's what I think it is. Can some one please post what this is and the right way to do this!!Thank you sooo much!!




  1. Sounds like a pivot ball change or pivot step ball change. Put one leg behind the other, turn around, then step ball change, or ball change depending.

    Or it could be a turning pas de bourre. This is where you do a pas de bourre (most commonly under or behind side front.) so you go behind with the foot crossing it over, step on the other foot out, then step the other foot in front (so kinda like a pivot ball change). People often confuse step ball changes with pasde bourres.

  2. Chanie turns in my opinion are the simplest.  But what your describing doesnt sound like that.

  3. That doesn't sound like a basic jazz turn...sounds odd. Anyway, I would just call it a pirouette with a ball change. I don't know what else you would call it. As far as how to do it, it sounds like you know how, but I'll give you tips.

    -Spot (whipping head around to avoid dizziness)

    -Center gravity

    -Stay tall

    -Elongate neck and back


    I'd say the most basic jazz turn was a pirouette on shanae turn.

    Hope this helps!!

  4. pivot?

  5. pirouette thats the simplest i can think of =]

  6. about face?

  7. single or half pirouette maybe?

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