
What are the names of the sons of Pandavas borne to Draupadi?

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In addition to the sons of Pandavas borne to their indidual wives five children named as UPA PANDAVAS were borne to draupadi bt Pandavas. I like to know their Names.




  1. They are:





    Sahadewa (Sadewa)

  2. Fiend,

    Here is the information you want;

    Prativindhya, SrutasOma, Srutakeerti, Sataaneekaa, and SrutasEna. They are also called Upa-Pandavas. ...

  3. Upa Pandavas are Prativindhya, Sutasoma, Srutakarman, Satanika, and Srutasena.

    A) Mahabharat, Adi Parva, Chapter 213, Haranaharana Parva, Verses 72 &73:

    72 "युधिष्ठिरात परतिविन्ध्यं सुत सॊमं वृकॊथरात

         अर्जुनाच छरुत कर्माणं शतानीकं च नाकुलिम

    73 सहथेवाच छरुत सेनम एतान पञ्च महारदान

         पाञ्चाली सुषुवे वीरान आथित्यान अथितिर यदा"

    72 'yudhiṣṭhirāt prativindhyaṃ suta somaṃ vṛkodarāt

         arjunāc chruta karmāṇaṃ śatānÄ«kaṃ ca nākulim

    73 sahadevāc chruta senam etān pañca mahārathān

         pāñcālÄ« suá¹£uve vÄ«rān ādityān aditir yathā'

    PRATIVINDHYA by Yudhishthira, SUTASOMA by Vrikodara, SRUTAKARMAN by Arjuna, SATANIKA by Nakula, and SRUTASENA by Sahadeva, these were the five heroes and great warriors that Panchali brought forth, like Aditi bringing forth the Adityas.

    B) Upa Pandavas names, meanings and reasons:

    Mahabharat, Adi Parva, Chapter 213, Haranaharana Parva, Verses 74 to 79:

    74 'śāstrataḥ prativindhyaṃ tam ūcur viprā yudhiṣṭhiram

         parapraharaṇa jñāne prativindhyo bhavatv ayam

    75 sute somasahasre tu somārka samatejasam

         suta somaṃ maheá¹£vāsaṃ suá¹£uve bhÄ«masenataḥ

    76 śrutaṃ karma mahat kṛtvā nivṛttena kirīṭinā

         jātaḥ putras tavety evaṃ śrutakarmā tato 'bhavat

    77 śatānīkasya rājarṣeḥ kauravyaḥ kurunandanaḥ

         cakre putraṃ sanāmānaṃ nakulaḥ kÄ«rtivardhanam

    78 tatas tv ajījanat kṛṣṇā nakṣatre vahni daivate

         sahadevāt sutaṃ tasmāc chruta seneti taṃ viduḥ

    79 ekavarṣāntarās tv eva draupadeyā yaśasvinaḥ

         anvajāyanta rājendra parasparahite ratāḥ'

    And the Brahmanas, from their foreknowledge, said unto Yudhishthira that as the son of his would be capable of bearing like the Vindhya mountains the weapons of the foe, he should be called Prativindhya.

    And because the child that Draupadi bore to Bhimasena was born after Bhima had performed a thousand Soma sacrifices, he came to be called Sutasoma.

    And because Arjuna's son was born upon his return from exile during which he had achieved many celebrated feats, that child came to be called Srutakarman.

    While Nakula named his son Satanika after a royal sage of that name, in the illustrious race of Kuru.

    Again the son that Draupadi bore to Sahadeva was born under the constellation called Vahni-daivata (Krittika), therefore was he called after the generalissimo of the celestial host, Srutasena (Kartikeya).

    The sons of Draupadi were born, each at the interval of one year, and all of them became renowned and much attached to one another.





    4.Saga Devan


    (Some Felling Mistakes)

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