
What are the needs of residents in our communites?

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What services and programs do teenagers, the elderly, and people with special needs in our communities require? what changes, modifications or improvements should we make to these ervices and program? Thanks in advance..!




  1. I have to agree with some of the other posters, the needs in each community is going to be different.  Try talking to social service advocates in your area to get more specific answers.  You can try going through the city or the county government to find agencies; also the local United Way First Call for help, or whatever it's called where you are.  You might be able to look it up at

  2. Where are you from?  Each community is going to be different.  Contact a few local county services agencies to see if anyone can tell you if anyone has preformed a GAPS Analysis and if so which agency did it.  Then contact the agency that gathered the information/preformed it to see about getting a copy.

    A GAPS Analysis will tell you which services are lacking and how.

  3. Teenagers need to understand the importance of staying in school and receiving their education. Too many are influenced by the "gangsta" lifestyle that is splashed across our media which is not only gross but unrealistic!

  4. How can we answer the question if we don't know where the community is located?

  5. At this time of the year, I would think seniors need help with heating costs.  Any one on a fixed income or anyone with low income needs help with grocery prices sky rocketing due to the high fuel costs.  I think that there should be more programs for teens to keep them off the streets and occupied after school, something productive where they can learn or volunteer thir time instead of getting involved with the wrong people.  More paying  jobs for teens so they don't look up to "dealers" and have money to buy what they need

  6. In my city located in North Central Texas, I believe our greatest needs are for decent jobs with meaningful pay for young families with children, health care (especially in the drug/alcohol abuse and counseling field) and access to public services that actually provide needed assistance.  So many people here have such great needs, only to discover "You don't qualify", or  "You're not eligible".  

    I started a community Yahoo group to give our are residents a place to go with their emergency "I need...but I don't qualify.." issues.  It could be that they need a can of baby formula, weatherstripping or a brake job on their car.  Other residents with resources who care, step up to assist.  We're fairly new, but it's working. We won't change the world, but we can make our little corner a little bit friendlier.  

    I don't know that we will ever see all of the people that have needs get their needs met.  I am convinced that some of the assistance will always have to come from the private sector and as long as I am able, I will always want to be a part of that. "But for the Grace of God..there go I..."

  7. A great question, so wide and vast !

    Universal Health Care would top my list, free for the elderly, medically challenged, and dependant children.

    Lowering State taxes or abolishing them would also be nice.

    Governing the gasoline industry to lower prices and not give thier executives lavish salaries and retirement packages when the middle class has to choose between filling the tank or buying food, or essential medicines.

    Expanding food stamp and other programs to help the elderly, and medically challenged population.

    Bring more jobs back to America, it is so sad to sit down to watch Television on a set made in foriegn countries, drive a foriegn car,  or use kitchen utensils, microwaves manufactured somewhere else besides in the United States. So many of our jobs have left the country and we are so dependant on products made elsewhere.

    If larger companies depend on products manufactured on foriegn soil, then they should pay more higher import taxes on those products.

    The best resolvement for this never ending progress is to tax heavily on exporters bringing thier products into our country .

  8. The answer is different for every community. The answers for your community won't be the same as for mine.

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