
What are the negative aspect of writing as it relates to the develoment of human civilization?

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What are the negative aspect of writing as it relates to the develoment of human civilization?




  1. To much baloney gets into print and is later repeated as fact, obscuring the truth.

  2. Writing has destroyed humankind's prodigious mnemonic talents evident in ancient oral cultures.

    Also, writing was invented to keep track of private property (inventory records / taxes) -- and we know how that has turned out . . .

  3. Forms, forms and more forms. Tons of paper being filled out, filed and never seen again.

    My button gets pushed when the form is a PDF file. You have to download, print it out, then with a pen, fill it in.

  4. It contributes to loss of memory!

  5. You mean like the bible?

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