
What are the negative points of organic food?

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Also, do you have any websites with this info???




  1. just try to proof that food is organic. It was a few programmes recently when Organic wasn't really organic apart from the price tag

  2. Organic food is extremely labor intensive. I know because I grow my own. I couldn't sell it for what I have in it and make any money. I seriously question the level of organic in the foods in the super market. The only negative I can think of is that you have to eat allot of something when it is season. It gets old after a week or so.

  3. It's expensive and i heard a report on the TV the other day that some products aren't neccessarily better for you.

  4. 1. The fact that you are paying premium prices for it

    2. The fact that it often isn't organic at all but you are being ripped off.

    3. The fact that is often has dirt added to it to make it look more organic so you have spend more time washing it before cooking it.

  5. 1. A lot more fuel used in growing it because of all the tillage needed.

    2. A lot more soil erosion due to all the added tillage.

    3. Not enough productivity to keep the food supply up.

  6. For a start it costs a lot more - but that has already been said.  It also goes off a lot quicker - but that has already been said, too.  If you are talking about buying organic foods in a supermarket - well, they aren't always really organic - but that, too has already been said.

    From that, though, I deduce that organic foods will not feed the hungry.  The hungry need less expensive food.  The hungry need food that will last longer in the larder.  If those aren't negative points enough, then consider this.

    Several years ago the supermarket chain 'Iceland' declared that all of their products contained no GM foods.  Their prices went up and their sales went down.  They retracted and their sales went back up again as their prices came down.  And how can anyone claim that their foods are not GM anymore - the plants are the same and the windblown or insect fertilisation still takes place!

    Organic foodstuffs taste better because they ripen more quickly.  Supermarkets now sell fruit, for example, that is really fresh - but hasn't had the time to ripen properly and therefore has no flavour.

    The only time that I can see organic food being a good thing is when you are a small gardener and know exactly what you are doing - and harvesting your crop at the right time.  Buying from a supermarket is a waste of time and money.

  7. The obvious disadvantage is that organic foods cost more.

    You don't need a website to demonstrate that, but you could look through any supermarkets home shopping website, if you want evidence.

  8. a lot of the organic food ive seen in supermarkets is imported from very far away eg brazil that isnt so great for the enviroment

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