
What are the negative roi horse racing bets?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am not a big fan of horse racing betting, for the reason that it is too complex for me. I just came across this negative roi horse racing betting term and would like to know, what does it mean? Please specify.




  1. Stats can be used for positive and negative reasons. Not only will they tell you if a type of race is exceptionally good for favourites, or that a particular jockey and trainer combination have returned year on year profits, but they can also point out reasons why you should not be backing a specific horse. These will be stats with low strike rates, and big losses (big negative ROI’s or Return on Investment).

    Now if you could find a race where the favourite has a bad record, and the trainer of the favourite is using a jockey who has achieved a low strike rate, and the second favourite is using a jockey with a good, profitable strike rate… you could find yourself a nice bet!

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