
What are the negetive aspects of western culture on indian youth and students????????

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i've gotta speak on this topic in class on monday...quick answers please!!!!

if possible plz write in points.




  1. I'm not an Indian, but from my Indian friends, I can say that negative effects are a lot, like too much freedom, desire to imitate American, West style of life, but taking much of their bad features and as a result losing the true values, unfortunately.

    That is only my opinion. I don't want to offend anyone, just I feel pain honestly for what is going on

  2. too much of freedom and independant thinking without considering the ethical values of indian culture.

    not associating with the joint family practices.

    selfish attitude in achieving  a task

    dress code and party mania

    shallow knowledge and vast spending  habitts.

    hippism( turning around like hippies)

    gun culture and arrogance speed and drug culture (smoking drinking and dancing at public places)

  3. from my perspective, i think a lot of young indians raised in the western culture are forgetting their ancestry history and culture. as a result, a lot of them are self-centered and tend to prefer to mingle with caucasians instead of their own indian counterparts. therefore, they are very distant from one another. they have lost the unity of one race and culture. unlike the the hispanic are really  united and still speak their language

    just my personal opinion

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