
What are the new age limits for each branch of the military? Aren't they allowing older people now?

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I specifically would like to know the age range for professionals who would like to switch from the public sector to the military sector, specifically in law. I have always had the feeling I would like to serve in the JAG Corps maybe in the Navy, Army or Marines. However, I am approaching 40 and I don't know if I am too old to join the military as a professional. If anyone could help with the answer to this question for the 4 military branches I would appreciate it. Thanks.





    I think its different for each branch

  2. I think for professionals the age has always been a little higher and is sometimes waived.

    If you go in as JAG, you wouldn't enlist, you would be commissioned instead. Commissioning programs are slightly different than enlistment programs.

    My best advice is ask an Officer Recruiter for JAG and see if you meet all age, education, and physical requirements. Each branch will have different requirements and if one branch turns you down, try another.

    You need to act soon though, because I think 40 is pushing it, however many of the age requirements have changed recently.

    I put a couple of links below for both Army and Navy. It can give you a general idea. Again some of the info may be dated so you will have to ask a recruiter for the most current and up-to-date information. New instructions and memos are released all the time and may not be available on the net.

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